Chapter 37: Kat and Adam

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(I'm not back on track with my dates. This chapter is Koda's birthday and my birthday is on Saturday *the 16th* so I think I'm going good again. New characters! Welcome Adam (SomeThingElseYT) and Kat! ( @Spacethekatlover154 )


*Koda's P.O.V*

My phone was ringing non-stop. I thought I'd put it on silent before I went to bed- Wait, no. Scratch that: I know I did. But why was it ringing? My wolf ringtone was continuously howling at me, and I swear I wanted to howl right back and tell it to shut up. There's only one explanation as to why I could hear my phone....

One of the girl must have turned it up after I went to bed. Of course, it's the only logical reason as to why my howling device could have woken me up this morning. 

I glanced at the small light coming from my nightstand, and I reached for my phone while trying not to roll over our new dog, Taki. He was a Newfoundland puppy, though he was almost the size of a small Boxer already. My eyes adjusted to the light of my phone as I put in my password, smiling slightly at my lock screen, which was an image of Baz and I from the zoo. I opened my 'calls' list and went to my 'missed calls'. What I saw shocked me:

5:28 am- Missed Call From Ryan (Baz) <3

5:31 am- Missed Call From Ryan (8-Bits)

5:34 am- Missed Call From Anora 

5:38 am- Missed Call From Sage 

5:45 am- Missed Call From Rhys (Razzy)

5:49 am- Missed Call From Ray 

5:53 am- Missed Call From Charlotte

5:58 am- Missed Call From Will (CrimsonFNugget)

6:03 am Missed Call From Lewis (UnoRageBoi)

I sighed and shook my head, eventually laughing over my friends' craziness. I then called Baz, seeing as he was the first to call me at an ungodly time of the morning. The phone rang twice before he answered.

(Laughing) "Hey babe."

"It wasn't even five-thirty yet."  I laughed in response, hearing Baz lose his sh*t on the other line.

"It was two minutes until!"

"But still, it wasn't five-thirty."

I sighed as Baz continued to laugh and I shook my head in amusement. 

"Happy birthday sweetheart."

"Thanks babe."

"Now, We all have something planned for today, then I have something for you."

"Oh? What are we doing?"

"You'll see, love. But it's this afternoon."

"Gotcha, and in the meantime, I'm going to the barn to work Lu and Panther. Meet me there?"

"I'll drive us there. I'll be over in five."

With that, we hung up and I scrambled to get ready. Baz wasn't kidding when he said five minutes, because at 6:10 he approached me, hugging me from behind. 

"Hey baby." 

Baz's voice was low, purring and rolling deeply out of his throat. I blushed uncontrollably. It was too hot to ignore. 


"You ready?" He asked, his voice muffled on the base of my neck. 


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