Chapter 42: More Missing

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*Lewis's P.O.V*

To say that this week has flown by too fast would be an understatement. It's also been very... quiet... too quiet at that. It's already been five days since I found out about the text threats, four since Ryan disappeared, and three since Rhys was taken hostage by Justin. Things couldn't get any worse than they're already lining up to be, and my heart is pounding intensely. 


Because today is Saturday. The girls all stayed the night at our house to hopefully discourage Mila, the yandere-stalker fan that vowed to get Ray 'Out of her way', from trying to look any further than Squad Zone's house. But something scared us all when we woke up this morning...

Ray wasn't there.

She had been in the guest room with Sage, but Will's girlfriend was nearly-frantic when she didn't see her best friend when she woke up. 

Now, we're all on our way to the girls' house, ready to face anyone that may be there- whether it's Ray, Mila, or both. 

"Be careful lads. This girl is crazy dangerous. I can tell just by the messages she sent." I warned the guys as we swarmed the house. I was itching to find out what was going on, even if Mila wasn't here. 

...And she wasn't...

Neither of them were there. This made my blood run cold. But then, as I was feeling defeated already, my phone buzzed- a Twitter message.

'Looks like Ray isn't as vigilant as she seemed. But don't worry, she hasn't undergone any harm. If you want her back, come to me alone on the south side of town, in the lot beside the craft store that's across from Jackie's at 6. Hope to see you tonight, Lew.' 

"Oh Lord..." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "...Alright then."

"Mate, are you sure you want to do this?" Baz asked me, looking nervous. Ever since Ryan's unsuspected disappearance, we've all been protective of the girls. Baz and Rhys constantly keep one hand on Koda and Anora at all times in public and Will and I are right there with them. 

Charlotte, however, looked fairly nervous about everything going on, including the fact that several Amber Alerts have come over the Emergency Alert System in a span of a month. Even before Ryan was kidnapped, everyone was on edge.

"If there's any chance, I have to. I can't let Ray get hurt." I said, putting my phone down. 

"Then we'll stand with you, lad." Will said. 

Will's always been my best friend. I knew him before the rest of the lads. Over time, we grew the closest and I don't know what I'd do without him. 

"She said for me to go to her alone."

"Right," Adam chimed in. "She said for you to go to her  alone. She didn't say come alone altogether. We can watch your back while you're handling things."

He was right. Mila's wording wasn't thought out the best, and it has just enabled us to work around her demands. But that won't be until tonight. We have plenty of time to plan for whatever will come. But for now, we need to be careful.

Alpha padded throughout the group, sniffing at everyone- possibly to make sure we were alright- when Sarge started going nuts at the window. Alpha rushed to his side, barking and growling at whatever was outside. I watched as Koda snuck past the group and out the back door, Baz following close behind. 

I noticed Koda grabbing Panther from out the window. She looked as if she was saying something to him. The Friesian stallion threw his head high, tucking  his nose to the underside of his neck. She walked out with him beside her, the large horse slowly trotting in place. 

Baz came out with her, his hoodie now off and his patterned arm showing clearly. I knew what he was doing, subtly making himself look bigger, his black shirt just a little tight around his upper arms. Next thing I know, Adam was doing the same- stepping out onto the porch to scan the area while keeping it low-key that he was doing so. 

But what we saw surprised us all once we all came outside, making sure to keep the dogs inside. 

It was a Golden Lab, trotting around the trees and watching us all. 

Anora crouched down, holding her hand out to the dog. It came up to her happily, tail wagging constantly. I leaned over her shoulder to read the metal, bone-shaped tag.


"Oh my gosh!" Anora laughed. 

"What?" Koda asked, patting Panther on the neck and relaxing her shoulders, which signaled for the stallion to do the same. He lowered his head and sniffed at the ground, still watching the area. 

"This is Chica!" Anora laughed again in response. "Mark's Chica!"

"Chica-Pica!" Kat squealed, kneeling beside the happy Lab. "Hey pretty girl! How'd you get out, hmm?"

Right when we were about to go inside, a car came up the driveway. It was a white BMW, and Koda froze at first, then relaxed as she realized the model wasn't an Audi. A bright red swoop stood from the driver's seat. 

"Chica! How the h*ll did you get all the way out here?"

Chica ran up to Mark, beating herself in her sides with her tail. 

The rest of us gathered in a group at the front of the house, Koda still holding Panther. After he got Chica on her leash, Mark turned to us.

"Thank y'all so much- LEWIS!" 

Handing the leash to his girlfriend, Amy, Mark ran up and I met him halfway. 

"How's it going, buddy? I haven't see you in a while!"

"It's... meh..."

"Meh? What's going on?" Mark looked genuinely concerned. 

I turned to the others and they all nodded. 

"Come on inside, mate. We'll tell you everything."


After about an hour of explaining everything, start to end, Mark seemed to understand the events and our stress levels. But what he said next was something I wasn't expecting.

"It seems that y'all need some extra hands. I'm willing to help if it means you're all safe." 

"Mark," Sage started. "Do you know what you're getting into? These are yanderes, crazy ex girlfriends, and psychotic kidnappers."

"Anything that would mean the protection of my friends."

I noticed everyone else light up at Mark's statement. We're all friends of Markiplier now.

We were talking about possible plans when something made a noise from outside. Baz went to go get his .45 from the counter and snuck out the back door. We were all hoping that it was just the horses messing around, but after 10 minutes, he was still gone. 

"Should I go look?-" Koda asked. Adam jumped in instantly. 

"No, I'll go." 

Kat then looked nervous.

"Babe, if they're after you guys-"

"I'll be okay." He cut her off by pecking her lips gently. He then headed out the back door and time passed. We waited for what seemed like hours, but eventually, Koda and Kat had enough. They ran out the door to find the guys. They weren't there...

...But there were two black Mustangs speeding down the driveway...

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