Chapter 3: Reaching Out

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*Raine's P.O.V*

It's been a week since 8-BitRyan uploaded his video about Pauline cheating on him. I knew he was taking a break for 3 days-- as he had announced in another video the next day-- but that was last Friday and I was honestly getting concerned. Not so much the fact that Ryan still hadn't uploaded anything because he very well could've changed his mind about how long he'd be offline. I'm talking about the fact that Bazamalam, DAGames, Razzbowski, and Dawko haven't uploaded in the same time stretch.

I was scrolling through Twitter, looking at different posts when one caught my eye. As I clicked on it to read the full thing, my heart fell. It was a post from Bazamalam and it wasn't good at all.

Sorry for the lack of videos everyone, but things have been a bit crap lately. While you may remember that Ryan had recently been cheated on, I was in that field as well. After the Twitch stream last week, Ryan said I could just stay the night with him so that we could go ahead and record the subreddit video-- which didn't get done until the next day anyway. When I got home to get my phone charger, I found Charlie in my bed with someone else. Needless to say, we're not together anymore and I don't think I can stay here any longer because Charlie and Pauline are having their friends watch us. Fans in LA, get ready because me, Ryan, Will, Rhys, and Lewis will be on the streets of California as of this afternoon.

After reading the post, I went to 8-BitRyan's Twitter and opened a PM.

Hi Ryan! I'm Raine and my friends and I are huge fans of you and the guys.

I set my phone down, knowing he was most likely not going to respond. I mean, he's a famous YouTuber so of course he gets about 100 fan messages a day... right? 

A few minutes later, my phone dings and I glance at the notification. Shock and joy wash over me as I open the PM between me and Ryan.

Hi! I'm glad you enjoy our videos! Is there a certain game you want us to play?

***(For the next little bit, Raine and Ryan are texting back and forth. Bold is Ryan, Italic is Raine)***

 I'm so freaking sorry to hear about what happened to both you and Baz. It wasn't right for either of you to be treated the way you were because you two really gave your hearts to those girls. It's their fault that they can't stay loyal, not yours.

It's alright and that really means a lot to me. I'm coming back from it, maybe a bit sooner than I honestly thought. Baz on the other hand... He's bouncing back, but not easily. After all, he's the one that saw something physical. I just saw a video and Pauline happened to crack under pressure.

If either of you need someone to talk to, my friends and I are always here. 

That's nice of you, Raine. Thank you.

I read that y'all are moving to LA and will be flying in today. If you want, we can show you around. If you'd like to, meet me and my friends at 216 Silver Lake Trail (not a real address *just for the story*) and we can head off once we get done with the horses.

Sure! That sounds great! We're on the plane now and our flight doesn't have any stops to make, so we should be landing around 1:00.

Cool! It's about a 20 minute drive from the airport, but with traffic in the airport and on the road, it might take a bit longer.

Alright, thanks for letting me know. We'll shoot for about 1:30 or 1:45.

Sounds good! See y'all then!

"Koda?" I called, closing my phone and squealing to myself. 

"I'm downstairs!" I heard her call back, so I ran downstairs to find her sitting on the counter, fixing the tripod to one of our many cameras as the others were scattered around the living room, setting up for our Friday game upload. 

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