Chapter 39: Kidnapped

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Heh? Wha-? MCSQUASETH ME???? Hol' up- 


Thank you guys for the ongoing support of the story! I couldn't have done it without y'all and the help of some of my closest friends as well as my sister. Thanks to y'all, Squad Love is my longest story yet and I couldn't be any happier with it! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and just a quick note- I've had questions about certain characters that may or may not be making a comeback. You'll just have to find out if they do or not.... :3


*Lewis's P.O.V*

Everything changed last night since Ray told me about the girl who had threatened her over Twitter. 

She said that she didn't want me to worry about her; saying I had enough on my plate with the boys and she didn't want to add anymore stress. She also thought that they would just stop on their own if she didn't reply. However, that wasn't the case. This girl was a truly crazed fan of me and was just like Charlie and Pauline- a yandere. 

But, we were one step ahead. Today is Monday and the person said they wouldn't show up until Saturday. That gives law enforcement enough time to do their job at tracking the fan and taking care of them. We're still on guard, but we have faith in our Men In Blue. 

But when I say that everything changed, I mean more than just the texts and the threats against Ray. I mean something bigger... 

....Something directly in our faces that felt like a slap to us all....

(Four Hours Earlier)

*Charlotte's P.O.V*

"We'll be back!" I called out from the window of my truck. 

Kat and I were on the way to pick up a couple horses from a rescue. The two young fillies had been left behind in the pasture when their owners sold their mothers before moving away. The fillies were sold to the new people who bought the property, however, they didn't care for the young horses like they should have done. 

A local rescue was called to take the fillies, but they had nowhere to put them long-term. Ray has a friend who works at the rescue, and Kiomi called us to see if we would take them. Of course, we said yes and Kat agreed to go with me in case the fillies gave us any trouble. So, we hitched up the two-horse trailer and headed to the rescue's farm property that was 30 minutes away. 


"He won't stay off of our tail." Kat said nervously as he watched the car behind us through her side mirror. "He keeps getting closer..."

"I wish he'd back off." I said, stealing a quick glance at the car for a split second before I put my eyes back to the highway in front of us. "This isn't our trailer."

"It wouldn't be our fault, though."

Kat had a point. Even though the trailer belonged to the barn's owner, if the driver behind us were to hit it, they'd have to pay for the damage. We're going at a constant 75 miles an hour and he keeps creeping up on us ever-so-slowly. 

Once the off-ramp was in sight, I began to change the lanes to exit the highway. But the black Mustang followed right behind us. I began to grow the slightest bit worried as the car continued to inch closer. I blew the horn, hoping it would get him to back off. But, it didn't work. Instead, he popped his engine in a way that I knew was directed at us. 

I just hope he turns the other way. 

We began to cross over into the last lane before the off-ramp. The Mustang continued to follow and decreased our distance by a little bit more. 

Squad Love (Quad Squad & DAGames X Girl Squad)Where stories live. Discover now