Chapter 19: Them Again...

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*Will's P.O.V*

"Ryan? What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Things were almost fine today. Minus Koda getting shot, things were great.... and things were actually pretty great after her discharge-- until now, that is.

Sage wasn't lying when she said her mother had warned her about another encounter with Charlie and Pauline, but the two just had to have the d*mn audacity to be waiting on Squad Zone's front porch in the middle of the woods-- on private property-- at nearly 11:30 pm. 

Charlie seemed the most upset, possibly because Baz had made it visible to the blonde Brit, without realizing she was there, that he doesn't love her anymore.... and she wasn't happy about it at all. 

"What the h*ll do you want now?" The ginger said, laying a protective arm around Koda's back. Charlie's eyes bugged and she nearly screamed. 

"Get back!" She yelled, shoving Koda in the shoulder. "You're in my way!"

"Actually, lass." Rhys cut in. "You're in our way. And you have no right to be sitting here, waiting at almost midnight to try and 'claim Baz' when her clearly doesn't want ye' anymore."

"Shut up, Rhys. Go get yourself blitzed and stay out of our way, why don't ya'?" Pauline snapped.

"Cha bhith mi air mhisg cho mòr 's a shaoileadh tu." Rhys hissed in the most aggressive tone I've heard him put out. (Translation from Scots-Gaelic- I don't get drunk as much as you may think I do.)

"Excuse me?" She asked. I then got an idea and responded in German.

"Du hast ihn paaren hören, jetzt lass uns in Ruhe." (You heard him mate, now leave us alone.)

"I don't understand you either, Will. So you shut up too." Pauline barked. Charlie was full-blown confused and only barely managed to say one thing.

"Ryan, come on. You don't belong here. You belong in Warwickshire. So, let's go and we can restart everything."

Baz rolled his eyes and flipped his hair from his face.

"Non vado da nessuna parte con te. Riesci a vedere che non ti voglio più?" (*Italian* I'm not going anywhere with you. Can you see that I don't want you anymore?)

"What?" Charlie asked and Koda laughed.

"Dúirt sé nach bhfuil sé uait. Agus tú i do cheater, cén fáth ar chóir d'éinne eile?" (*Native Irish* He said he doesn't want you. And with you being a cheater, why should anyone else?)


*These next few lines are the rest of the group speaking in a different language to tell the two girls off. Of course, translations are added. Also, everyone in the group understands what the other is saying*

Anora: "왜 당신은 두 명의 얀 데일입니까? 라이언과 바즈는 분명히 당신을 원하지 않습니다." *wae dangsin-eun du myeong-ui yan deil-ibnikka? laieongwa bajeuneun bunmyeonghi dangsin-eul wonhaji anhseubnida.* (*Korean* Why are you two such yanderes? Ryan and Baz clearly don't want you.)

Sage: "Vestri 'non amare videare. Si te non habere noluerunt reverti." (*Latin* You're being selfish. They don't have to come back to you if they don't want to.)

Ray: "Είμαστε άρρωστοι από τους δύο που προσπαθείτε να μας κυριαρχήσετε." (*Greek* We're sick of you two trying to dominate us.)

Ryan: "Вы должны оставить нас в покое. И я имею в виду это. Больше не пытаться заставить нас во что-либо." (*Russian* You need to leave us alone. And I mean it. No more trying to force us into anything.)

Raine: "Ustedes dos son una vergüenza para todos aquí, así como para sus fanáticos en línea." (*Spanish* You two are a disgrace to everyone here as well as your fans online.)

Lewis: "それはあなたが去る時であり、戻って来ない時です" *Sore wa anata ga saru tokideari, modotte konai tokidesu.* (*Japanese* It's time you leave, and don't come back.)


"What the h*ll are you guys saying?" Charlie asked, frustrated. 

"Bye girls." Koda said, waving sarcastically as Rhys whistled. 

A second later, Erebus, Panther, She-Ra, Raven, and Rambo came galloping into the front yard, tossing their heads and snorting. Charlie and Pauline made a mad dash for their car, barely making it inside before Erebus reared on their heels. Charlie shut the door quick and hard, causing a crack to rage up the side of her window, but she didn't notice. She was too busy racing down the driveway and nearly flipping the Honda in multiple places until she was further down the path.

*Koda's P.O.V*

"Welp. That was interesting." Raine said and we laughed, agreeing right after. Ryan pulled her into a side hug and she rested her head on the chestnut's shoulder. 

"So...." I started, checking the time. "I'm exhausted, my wound is finally starting to hurt a bit, and it's bloody midnight."

"Let's get you inside then." Baz said, his arm still laid around my back as we headed into the house.


"You guys can stay here if you want." Anora offered to the boys and they gladly accepted, taking up the rooms that they stayed in before. 

Baz helped me upstairs after everyone else and I went into my room while the ginger stopped in the doorway.

"Let me know if you need anything." He said, but I shook my head.

"I've heard how you are sometimes if you get woken up during the night. Plus, you need to sleep."

I walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You're an exception." Baz said, his voice low and filled with exhaustion-- which I found to be highly attractive.

 I laughed, laying my left arm around his neck while my right hand fell on his shoulder. I leaned up and pecked his lips gently and he came back at me with a slower, more passionate kiss.

"I love you." He purred as we backed away.

"Love you more, dork." I joked ruffling his hair before taking the door in my hand. 

I waved to Baz as he left, going back to what was his and Ryan's room for the night, and shut the door behind me. 

With the combined efforts of slightly growing pain that hadn't existed until just now and a wave of tiredness that was pulling at me for the past 5 minutes now, it didn't take long for me to surrender to sleep as it came over me.

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