Chapter 26: Meeting The Families

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*Anora's P.O.V*

"Y'all ready?" Koda asked, making her way up to the front door, Baz close behind her. 

"Yeah, I guess." Ryan said, eyeing all of the cars parked in the driveway anxiously. He knew one belonged to Raine's parents, as we were all gathering at Koda's mom's house for dinner tonight. 

Rhys glanced back at the others, then to me. The guys all stood close to their girlfriends, nervous about if the girls' parents would like them or not. As soon as we reached the top of the porch, the door flew open.


"Hey mom!" Koda said, throwing her arms around Cheyanne, hugging her tightly until she couldn't breathe. She then let go and took a step back.

"Hey girls!" Cheyanne said, hugging each of us as we made our way inside. She then glanced at the guys, almost as if she had forgotten they were coming as well. Seeing my parents again for the first time in almost a year as so exciting, and I think that the positive energy calmed Rhys's nerves just a bit. 

"You must be the gamers that the girls have been telling us all about." Sage's grandmother stated once everyone was settled in. 

"Yeah." Sage said, taking Will's hand. 

"Will Ryan." The green fringed gamer said, shaking Sage's grandfather's hand firmly, trying to show confidence being his growing anxiety.

"I'm Ryan Till." (Got it from a few other stories. Just roll with it Lol) Ryan said, meeting Raine's dad's hand as well. 

"Rhys Williams." Rhys said, shuffling a bit and sticking a hand up, waving to everyone. 

"My name is Lewis. Lewis Dawkins." The tall brit said, clasping a hand with Ray's dad's. 

"Ryan Bushell. But everyone calls me Baz." The ginger said, seeming to suddenly remember that he didn't have a dad's hand to shake. He didn't linger on it though, and brushed it off, coming back to reality as quick as he'd blanked out. 

Just then, a voice behind us made me smile widely, while Rhys tensed nervously. 

"Where's my girl?"

"Dad!" I said, running to hug him. He spun me a bit before setting me back down. While passing through the group, he greeted everyone before stopping in front of Rhys. 

"And who are you?"

"R-Rhys Williams, sir." Rhys said, stuttering a bit and reaching out to shake my dad's hand.

"I don't bite, ya know, son." He said.

Rhys chuckled nervously, seeming to take in just how big my dad was.

My dad, Brandon Okasata, is the same height as Lewis- about 6'1" or 6'2". He has the common shave-around cut with a sweep of thick black hair in the middle. His arms and chest are very masculine, making it look like he could take on John Cena himself and potentially win. An alien tattoo rested on his left forearm, while his right forearm was coated in a sleeve of heavy metal band album logos. 

"You're not acting like you don't, dad. Lighten up a bit." I laughed, trying to get him to take a hint. Rhys is a well-built man, but he's not my dad- who can wrestle an English Mastiff to the ground. 


After a while of visiting, we eventually ate- Cheyanne's famous BBQ burgers are always the best- and the group left for a hotel not that far away. We would've stayed at Koda's mom's if there was enough room. There's only two guest rooms with one bed each and not a lot of couch room. We decided a hotel would be better, and a bit easier to move through. 

*Ray's P.O.V*

As soon as I hit the bed in mine, Lewis's, Sage's, and Will's room, my phone went off. It was a message from someone on Instagram. I expanded the notification so that I could read it on my home screen, in case it was a crazed fan that would freak out if they saw that I had read it, but instantly regretted looking at the message. 

Message from Dawko's_#1_Fangirl:

Hi Ray. I just wanted to say that I noticed you are dating Lewis Dawkins..... Back off. He's mine, and I will have him. Just you wait, Ray.... Because when I find you, you will give me my soulmate willingly, Even if I have to break some laws.....

I didn't answer. I didn't want them to know that I had read it. What kind of psycho would threaten us like that? I went to tell Lewis, but stopped. Knowing him, he would try to intervene in the situation himself. Better to leave it alone for right now. But trust me.....

This will not be ignored. 


Hey wolfies! Sorry this chapter has been a bit shorter than the rest. Nothing really happens in this part and what does happen isn't much. I hope y'all can understand that and I will see y'all in my next chapter! Love y'all!


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