Chapter 20: Kicking A*s on Halloween

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*Ray's P.O.V*


I ran downstairs, looking for my black and teal-haired friend. I came across Raine and Sage, who were playing Minecraft SkyWars on the Xbox. 

"She's editing her video from this morning before the sheriff gets here. We're going out with the guys once he leaves." Sage said and I nodded, heading down the recording hallway. Anora's door was shut and I could hear her geeking over something about anime. 

I came to Koda's door, which was slightly cracked open. I tapped my hand on the wood lightly and she lifted her head from her phone. 


"Hey. When is Bowman coming?" I asked, leaning against the door.

"Uh... should be here in the next ten minutes or so-"

"Koda! Anora! Ray! The guys are here!" Sage called from the front. Anora threw her door open  and ran out the back door at the end of the recording hallway.

Koda and I shut her door quickly, locking it.

"Okay, so here's the plan. I'll create the distraction and you get to safety." I said jokingly. "Once I get a chance, I'll meet up with you at camp."

"No! I'll go-"

"You're the one he's after. Trust me."

There was a knock on the door and Koda unlocked it slowly and quietly. 

"Fine, I trust you...." She started, heading for the door. I stood beside her, ready to block, when she grabbed my arm and threw me out the door to the left instead of the right. "...I trust you to run!"

"Koda! No!" I yelled in fake despair as Baz grabbed Koda from behind, holding her hands to her back.

"Go!" She laughed, dropping to her knees while the ginger continued to hold her. 

I ran out of the hallway to see Anora busting through the front door and launching herself onto Rhys's back. The Scot was taken aback by the encounter and stumbled out the door, swinging Anora from left the right around the porch in an attempt to pry her off. 

I tried to make a break for the stairs, but Ryan jumped at me. Grabbing my wrist, he attempted to drag me outside, but Raine bowled into him and caused the chestnut gamer to let go of me. 

Continuing my way through the crowd, I was met by Will. He had no time (To live) to get to me though, because Sage drug him out of the way.

"Finally!" I whispered to myself in triumph as I mad it to the stairs after dodging all of the guys.... well.... most of them anyway.

"Hello there, sugar."

Lewis was blocking the steps, his feet apart and his height too tall. His arms were crossed over his chest and his face was laced with a evil smirk. Before I had time to react, I was being backed against the wall and Lewis held a knife to my neck. Just as he was about to whip his hand down to 'slice it open', a yell sounded from down the recording hallway. Everyone's banter paused and Will slowly made his way toward the entrance to the hall. A hand grabbed him by the shoulder and jerked the green fringed gamer out of sight before another scream was emitted from behind the wall. 

Lewis whipped his head to face me again, giving me a cold glare, and made his way towards the hallway himself. Standing at the edge of the corner, the Brit's eyes grew wide as he looked upon whatever it was he was witnessing. Suddenly, a long sword blade strikes out from behind the wall. Lewis falls to his knees, covering his stomach as he started coughing and wheezing; gasping for air. In a final attempt to reach for his knife, the gamer's hand falls limp to the floor and his head rolls to the side. He lay there, still covering his stomach where I can only guess that he'd been stabbed. 

I stepped out from my spot by the stairs to see what happened, as did the others, when I noticed a hand lying out from behind the wall. I stumbled back once I saw everything and it was enough for me. Will lay on the ground, not responding to anything. Lewis was the same, but I had seen what happened there. The lights were turned off down the hallway, so I couldn't see anything. The only thing I could see was a figure towering over a severely injured ginger, who held his chest tightly as he was trying to move out of his attacker's way. However, his hand slipped on the floor and he fell onto his shoulder, rolling over no his back.

Baz muttered something barely audible before the person hissed something back at him that I still couldn't hear. The next thing I knew, the attacker drew a black pistol and, with only a few seconds of hesitation, pulled the trigger. The ginger's body fell limp and the figure grabbed him by the arm, dragging the gamer over Will's body and into the light. Koda threw Baz onto the floor in front of Rhys and Ryan and growled in a low voice.

"Check mate."

The two gamers looked at each other with worried, yet confused faces and tried to move. However, Sage blocked Rhys on his side and I blocked Ryan on his. Koda stood in front of them; they couldn't move. The boys tried to back up, only to find Raine and Anora behind them. They turned back to face Koda, who had taken a step back and within a second, there were two shots heard. Rhys and Ryan's heads rattle a bit as they collapsed to the floor in crimpled and distorted positions. 

"Let's hope this never happens again." Koda said, her voice grave, tired, and serious. 

A few seconds later, Anora clapped her hands and called out.


The boys got up from their positions on the floor and came over to the group. 

"That was perfect!" Raine said, jumping and hugging Ryan, who clasped an arm around her back to hold her up.

"Is that a wrap?" Rhys asked and Koda nodded.

"That's a wrap! This Halloween video's gonna be great!" She said as Baz pulled her to him by the waist with one arm and she laid her head on his shoulder. 


A minute later, a knock came over the door. Will went to answer it and let the Sheriff inside. 

"Is Koda in?" He asked and our teal and black-haired friend stepped into his vision. 

"Yes sir."

"I just need to ask you a few things about the incident yesterday." He said and Koda led him into her recording room. 

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