Chapter 11: Spending A Day Together: Ray and Lewis

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*Lewis's P.O.V*

Once we arrived back at the house from the zoo, Ray and I stayed in the living room for a bit, talking about anything we could think of. Time seemed to fly and before we knew it, it was 11:00 pm.

"I think I'm gonna head upstairs, Lewis. If I stay here, Imma crash and I don't feel like sleeping on the couch." Ray said, standing up to shut everything down. I was about to answer, when something different came out on its own.


Ray turned to face me, her eyes bouncing with curiosity.


"I... uh... I wanted to know if you'd like to spend the day with me tomorrow since this is our last night here." I said, stuttering and desperately trying to find the right words to say.

Ray looked at me, her expression forming into calm excitement.

"Yeah! I would love that!" Her face flushed crimson as she spoke, and I felt my own heat up as well.

"Right then. Say about 10?" 

"Sounds great!" She said, heading upstairs. "Night Lewis."

When I entered mine and Rhys's room, the Scot wasn't in there. I then remembered that him, Anora, Ryan, and Raine were still outside with the horses. I changed into something comfortable and sat on the bed, logging into Twitter to post the photos from today: 

There was one of Koda and Baz standing at the Cougar enclosure, each with a hand on the glass. The large cat was propped up on the wall, with its massive paws covering the gamers' hands. Koda and Baz were looking at each other with what they claimed to be "Playful cheesiness." I say that it was love in their expressions. I captioned it 'Feline Friendship'.

The next one was of Raine and Ryan, both crouched in front of the Polar Bear that stood behind them. Raine jokingly put her arm around Ryan's shoulders, and he returned the act while trying to hide his blush. The bear seemed more focused on them than anything, its nose right up on the glass of the enclosure. I captioned this one 'Bear Hug'.

Then there was one of Sage and Will, who seemed too focused on the red wolves to notice I had taken a photo of them. They were both glancing over the wooden rail that was extended about 5 feet off of the ground, a window of glass under it to keep the wolves from getting out. It was a side-shot, only showing the right sides of their faces, but it was still good. They both looked so intrigued over the two wolves playing around with a rubber ball that they never knew I took it. They'll see it tomorrow I guess. I titled this one 'Watching The Wolves'.

The next was an image of Rhys and Anora. They were standing in front of the lion enclosure, playfully fighting over a large pretzel. Each had a light hand on it, trying to get a bite. A large male lion sat between them in the background, watching the banter curiously with its head tilted to the side like a dog. I captioned this one 'All Three Of Them Want A Bite.... XD'.

The last-- and my personal favorite-- was a side-shot of Ray standing nose to nose with a snake that a handler brought out to show us. Her face was scrunched up a bit, eyes crossed. I caught the photo at the perfect moment, just as the viper's forked tongue flicked out and touched Ray's nose. I couldn't help but laugh when the event happened, grateful that I caught it at the right time. I captioned it 'A Rare Moment In Hissssstory!'

I set my phone down as Rhys came in and I told him about asking Ray. He said Anora accepted as well, and we both passed out knowing that we could have a chance to tell the girls how we feel about them.


The next morning at 10, Ray and I set out to Magnolia Park, northwest of Griffith as well as the zoo and also a bit northeast of the famous Universal Studios.

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