Chapter 30: Missing

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***?????? P.O.V***

Who is he? The one tied to the chair.

My ex boyfriend.

How did that come about?


Answer me!

I cheated....

Yet you still love him?


And you don't like seeing him with another girl?

Not at all. I was his and he was mine for so many years...

I think you've come to the right place, dear. I can help you.

I want my boyfriend back. 

I will see that it gets done.

Thank you.

Oh Ryan... it's time to wake up.....

*Ryan's P.O.V*

It's been a few weeks since the Halloween video... two, three maybe? I can't remember. I haven't been sleeping much, to answer the question of why my memory is so hazed. Visions flood back to me every night- the video Baz showed me of Pauline with another guy. I used to welcome sleep like a best friend, my mind tired after long days of recording and editing videos with everyone. But now, it's become a fear of mine. The reminder being that I simply wasn't good enough for Pauline when she let me on to believe that I was for so long. 

The group is worried about me. I'm returning to my normal self after Raine left. Yes it hurts, but the pain shrinks every day. She had to go, and I was willing to let her. 

And she did. 

We haven't seen her since she pulled out of Squad Zone's driveway, nor have we heard from her much. She'll text the girls every so often, but nothing for me or the guys. Whether she even still has our numbers is a question I have as well, but is unlikely to be answered. 

Since then, I've felt a pull for someone else- this new feeling made it seem as if Raine had been gone for years on end. Who is this new person that I find to be so special? It's Charlotte. Just everything about her is so beautiful: Her eyes, her accent, her personality.... I love everything about her. The only problem is....

I don't know how to tell her. 

I feel like everyone thinks I'm moving too fast, but I can't help the love I have for Charlotte. I won't lie when I say that I think I'm in love with her even more than I was with Raine....


One day, Baz and I were finishing a video for 8-BitGaming. It was a YouTube Haiku reaction, so it didn't require many big editing effects- just a few funny moments that deserved some extra "umph" and cutting out sections that we didn't really like. 

"Ryan? Are you okay?" The ginger asked me once the recording ended. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, trying to make myself sound confident and sure of my answer. "Just had a rough night."

"Just one? Last night was the first time?" He seemed to not fully believe me, but why should he?

Baz has been my best mate for about 21 years or so now. If anything happens to one of us, the other is always ready to drop everything to help in any way we can. That being said, if one of us seems off, the other takes note fairly quickly. There's no hiding anything when it comes to Baz and I. We know each other too well to let anything suspicious slide without discussion- especially if it's as bad as I feel right now. However, I kept up with my act. 

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