chapter 1

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-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban-

"I did it!" I yell, looking at myself. I'm 13.

I look to both my sides and see Bucky and Loki, really young as well.

"I'm 13" Bucky said.

"So am I" Loki said.

I tapped both of them and they looked at me.

"We need to go to Diagon Alley. Loki, we need money. Could you make some galleons please?" I say and Loki nods, creating loads of galleons.

I look for somewhere to put it but Loki makes me a purse.

"Thanks" I say.

"What's Diagon Alley?" Bucky asked, but I dragged both of them to the Leaky Cauldron.

"It's where we will get our wands and robes, books" I say "Hi Tom!" I say excitedly, waving at him.

"Hello!" he greets back, smiling.

I drag Bucky and Loki both to the wall and see someone open it. I go inside and get excited about everything. As soon as I find Ollivanders I run inside, Bucky and Loki following me.

"Excuse me, Mr Ollivander" I call and he comes out of nowhere.

"Hello dear. You look a little old to be getting a wand. What year are you?" Ollivander asked.

"3rd year. Me and my friends are transfer students from Ilvermorny and our wands broke while we were fighting a giant acromatula" I say and he nods his head.

"Wow, you know a lot, doll" Bucky says and I look at him, smiling.

"Here, try this one" Mr Ollivander said. I take the wand and flick it, making a shelf fall out of place "Nope. Here"

He hands me another wand. A light came and I knew it was my wand.

"Ah, (your Pottermore wand). Wonderful!" he said.

I smiled at my wand. It was beautiful. After Bucky and Loki got their wands, we went to Madam Malkin's. We got our robes and pets as well. I got an owl, Loki got a cat and Bucky didn't get an animal.

I go back to platform 9 and 3/4 with the other 2 in tow. I make 3 tickets and give one to Bucky and Loki.

"Okay, let's go in" I say and go into the train, looking around.

I take a seat in one of the compartments and wait for our arrival.


After a while, the train slowly starts stopping. I look outside the window and see frost. The dementor is coming. I get up to leave but Bucky pulls me back.

"Doll, where are you going?"

"I need to go. I'll be back in a few minutes" I say, pecking his cheek and looking for the dementor.

I move through the train and see a black figure in the distance. I move forward and see the dementor.

"Expecto Patronum!" I yell and my Patronus pushes the dementor away.

My Patronus is amazing! I can't believe I got it on my first go!

I walk into the compartment that the trio plus Lupin were in and look at them.

"He'll be alright" I say, crouching down to Harry and looking at him "Remus, uh, I mean professor... when he wakes up, give him some chocolate" I say and turn to leave.

"Who are you?" Hermione asked and I turned to face her and Ron.

"Uh, call me a friend" I say and smile, making my way back to the other compartment.

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