chapter 58

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-3 months later-

I wake up next to Bucky, and smile at the sight of him peacefully sleeping. I go to kiss his jaw, but get up, running to the bathroom and throwing up in the toilet, coughing aggressively once I do.

I breathe heavily, then lift my head lightly, closing my eyes as I try swallowing.

Footsteps become heavier as they approach me, stopping next to me and crouching down.

"Are you okay, doll?" Bucky asks, making me turn to him slightly.

"I don't know" I say.

I go back to the toilet and throw up again, Bucky holding my hair back as I do and rubbing my back in comfort.

I cough and stand up, going to the sink and washing my face.

"I need to go to the hospital. Now. Something's wrong. I can feel it" I say, flush the toilet, then turn to Bucky.

"Alright. We'll eat something, then go" Bucky says.

"No, too late. We're going now" I say.

I take his hand and teleport us both to the nearest hospital, both of us still in our pajamas.

Well, not really. I'm just in a tank top and comfortable shorts while Bucky is shirtless and wearing trousers.

At the time, I didn't really care, so I keep a grip on Bucky's hand and drag him into the hospital, Bucky trying to stop me a few times.

"Hi, I'd like to see any available doctor at the moment" I say to the receptionist.

"Well, doctor West is available"

"What room?" I asked quickly.

"Room 52" the receptionist says, so I nodded my head.

I dragged Bucky with me to room 52 and barge in, seeing Christine talking to the doctor.

"Hi. I'm a friend of Stephen, and something is wrong with me" I say.

"You're pregnant" Stephen says, coming through an orange portal thing.

"I'm WHAT?!" I ask, instantly turning to him.

"You're pregnant. I've been watching you to make sure everything is right, and you're showing signs of pregnancy. The usual fatigue, frequent urination, headaches. Could you take a test?" Stephen asks.

I shakingly nod my head.

Stephen smiles and gives me a pregnancy test, which, by the way, I didn't see him carry until now, and ushers everyone out the room.

Once I'm alone, I look at the test, then do it, waiting for the results.


"AHHHHHHHH!" I scream in happiness, holding the test to my chest and smiling brightly, tears falling down my cheeks.

"Y/N, what?" Bucky asked, coming in the room, everyone else entering with him.

"I'M PREGNANT!" I yell, jumping at Bucky and hugging him tightly.

"You're... you're pregnant?" Bucky asks, smiling.

I aggressively nod my head, biting my lip.

"I'm gonna be a father" Bucky said.

"And I'm gonna be a mother!" I shout, then hug Stephen tightly.

"Congratulations" Stephen said, hugging me back.

"Ooh, I have to tell everyone. I can't believe it. I'm pregnant!"

I take Bucky's hand and teleport back to our room, putting the test in the bathroom and changing my clothes.

Bucky quickly puts on a shirt and drags me to the main room, telling Friday to call everyone.

"What? It's 5 in the morning" Bruce asks as he lazily enters the room, the rest slowly following behind him.

"I'm pregnant!" I yell, everyone standing up straight.

"You're kidding" he said, smiling at me in excitement.

"She's not. Just took the test" Bucky says.

"That's right people. I'm preggo with an eggo" I say, holding my stomach.

"Oh, congratulations!" Wanda says, coming to me and hugging me.

"Thank you. I'm gonna go tell mum" I say, then teleport myself and Bucky to dad's house.

"Dad! Mum! Morgan!" I call, walking around.

"Yeah honey?" dad asks, coming in the room.

I hug him tightly and when I pulled away, I smiled.

"What happened?" dad asked suspiciously, then turned to Bucky.

"She's pregnant" Bucky says, coming to me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"You knocked up my daughter?!" dad yells.

He went for Bucky, but I quickly stood in front of Buck, holding dad back.

"We're married, dad!" I say, glaring at him "And I thought you'd be happy for me. I've wanted kids for so long, and you're angry about it?" I ask, shaking my head.

"No, sweetheart, I'm very happy for you. I just don't like your husband" dad says, eyeing Bucky.

"Well, get over it. I'm having a baby and I love Bucky. He's the love of my life and he's my soulmate" I say "Mum!" I call.

She came into the room and smiled at me, Morgan trailing after her before running to me, hugging my legs.

"Hey Morguna" I say, crouching down and pecking her forehead "You know, you're going to be an aunt soon. And mummy and daddy are going to be grandparents" I say, turning to mum.

"You're pregnant?! Oh honey, I'm so excited for you!" she yells, hugging me tightly.

"Me too. I can't wait 'till they're born" I say, both of us pulling back.

"Bucky, oh, take care of her and the baby, okay?" mum turns to Bucky.

"Of course I will" Bucky says, pecking the back of my head.

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