chapter 41

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A blue light came on the wedding tent and everyone stopped what they were doing, looking at the orb of light.

"The ministry has fallen. The minister of magic is dead. They are coming. They are coming" The blue orb said, disappearing.

Everyone started panicking and I held Bucky's hand tight, taking him with me to Loki. Death Eaters came crashing into the wedding tent, shooting spells. I ran around until I saw Hermione and Ron.

I ran to them, holding Bucky's hand. I saw Loki talking to Daphne before coming to us. Harry came to us and Hermione teleported away. We ended up in front of a bus. We all stepped back onto the pavement before the bus could hit us.

"Where are we?" Ron asked as we were walking through the street.

"Shaftesbury avenue. I used to come to the theater here with mum and dad. I don't know why I thought of it. Just popped into my head. This way" Hermione said, leading us into an alley "We need to change" Hermione said, taking out clothes from her small bag.

"How the ruddy...?" Ron asked.

"Undetectable extension charm" Hermione said, giving clothes to both Ron, Harry and Bucky.

Me and Loki made our own outfits, wearing them instantly.

"You're amazing, you are" Ron said.

"Always the tone of surprise" Hermione said. Something fell in her bag and Hermione looked forward "Ah, that'll be the books" she said.

We all went into a coffee shop that was empty.

"What about all the people at the wedding? Do you think we should go back?" Harry asked.

"Heavens no" Loki said.

"They were after you, mate. We'd put everyone in danger if we go back" Ron said.

"Ron's right" Hermione agreed.

A waiter came to our table and coughed to get our attention.

"Coffee?" she asked.

"A cappaccino please" Hermione said.

"You?" the waiter asked Ron.

"What she said" Ron said.

I snickered at the fact that he had little knowledge of Muggles.

"Same" Harry said.

"Can I get a mixed berry iced tea, with light ice, an extra pump of lemon and tapioca. You do have tapioca, right?" I ask and she nods her head.

"I'll have a latte" Bucky said.

"Mocha, please" Loki said and the waiter nodded her head, going into the kitchen. Ron and Harry looked at me confused.

"It's good" I say "I'm technically a Muggle-born" I say quietly.

"So where do we go from here?" Ron asked "Leaky Cauldron?"

"It's too dangerous. If Voldemort really has taken over the ministery, none of the old places are safe. Everyone in the wedding will have gone underground, into hiding"

"My rucksack with all my things. I've left it at the burrow" Harry said but Hermione shook her head. 2 guys came in and Hermione showed her bag "You're joking" Harry said. Hermione sighed.

"I've had all the essentials packed for weeks. Just in case" Hermione said.

"By the way, these jeans, not my favourite" Ron said.

I carefully eye the men and they got their wands out. Just as they turned and was about to shoot, I created a barrier.

"Down!" Harry yelled and they shot a spell. It backfired and I flipped the table, making cover for myself.

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