chapter 28

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"What's your name, sweetheart?" I ask a kid who was crying on a bench.

"Michael" he replied.

"Your hand's gonna be fine, Michael" George said.

"Yeah. It's not as bad as it seems. See? It's fading already" Fred said.

"You can hardly see ours anymore, and the pain stops after a while" George said.

"Here, let me see your hand, Michael" I say and he shows me his hands.

I get some water and place my hand over his, it turning white and numbing the pain.

"See, all gone" I say, lifting his head lightly and gently wiping away his tears.

I heard someone cough so I stood up, turned around and saw Dumb*tch standing there. Harry moved next to me and the twins stood behind us.

"As I told you once before, Mr Potter... naughty children deserve to be punished" Dumb*tch said.

"Oh, I wish you would've said 'people' instead of 'children' so I could drag yo' arse back to the Ministry" I say, and she turns, leaving.

"You know, George... I've always felt our futures lay outside the world of academic achievement" Fred said.

"Fred, I've been thinking exactly the same thing" George said and I got excited for their prank.



All of us in Dumbledore's army were sitting in a room, writing with Dumb*tch's 'special quills'. My hand was aching and I thought the cuts would go to my bones. It hurt like hell, and way worse than everyone elses.

I think it hurts more because my body originates from a different universe, so it's going a little weird.

Bucky was lucky enough to be right handed and the quill couldn't scratch through the metal, but Loki was in a lot of pain as well. I could see his hand literally covered in blood.

"I can't do this anymore" I say, and drop the quill.

I get up and use my powers to make Dumb*tch's tea spill all over her.

"Go ahead and drink your tea now, Dumb*tch" I say and leave the room, cleaning off all the blood on my hands.


All of the 5th years were sitting in the Great Hall, going through our OWLs. I tried to finish as quick as possible but ended up taking my sweet time.

Halfway through, there was this banging noise coming from outside the room. It was repeating until Dumb*tch walked to the door and opened it, checking for anything.

Just then, the twins zoomed in on their brooms and everyone got on their feet. The twins made all our papers fly into the air and they set off fireworks, mini fireworks exploding right in front of us.

I started cheering as Draco, Crabbe and Goyle were being harassed by some fireworks. I couldn't have made this any better ever in my life.

Everyone ran out of the room and went outside, cheering. The twins set off fireworks that made the letter W. I couldn't be prouder of the twins. I looked at Ron and saw him have a look of pride on his face as well.

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