chapter 50

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-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2-

"It's beautiful here" Luna said, playing with an old-fashioned wind chime.

"It was our aunts. We used to come here as kids. The order uses it now as a safe house. What's left of us at least" Bill said.

"Muggles think these keep evil away, but they're wrong" Luna said, referring to the chime. Harry came to us, looking at Bill and Fleur.

"I need to talk to the goblin" he said. Bill led the trio up to Griphook's room but me, Bucky and Loki decided to say here.

"Bucky, can I ask you something?" I ask, turning to him.

"What is it, doll?" Bucky asked.

"When you were the Winter Soldier, did you ever need to go to the toilet?" I ask and Loki looks down, silently laughing.

"What?" Bucky asked. Bill came down and Fleur went up to check on Mr Ollivander.

"You know, when you were being mind controlled" I say.

"No?" he says slowly.

"You must have a really strong bladder" I say "Did you ever feel hungry or thirsty?" I ask.

"No" he says and I nod my head.

"Do you ship Steve and Peggy or mum and dad?" I ask.

"Steve and Peggy. But your parent are nice, too" Bucky said.

"One last question. Would you ever date Steve if we weren't together. I ship Stucky so I need to know" I say and he looks disgusted.

Loki starts laughing out loud once he sees Bucky's face.

"No! He's my best friend, he's practically my brother" Bucky said.

"Okay. Thank you for completing my survey" I joke and he smiles.

I peck his lips and smile. I hear whispering coming from the top of the stairs and ignore it. It's just the trio talking.

"Y/N, so where are you from?" Bill asked. Fleur came back.

"Oh, I'm from a completely different universe" I say and him and Fleur look confused "I'm from a different universe but teleported to this one" I say simply and he nods.

"And I'm guessing Loki and Bucky are from that universe as well" Bill said and I nodded my head.

"And you and Bucky are married" Fleur said in her thick French accent.

"Yes. It was a beautiful wedding and the best day of my life" Bucky says and I smile and look at him, holding his hand.

"It was the best day of my life as well" I say and turn back to the couple "Do you know what the order have planned?" I ask.

"Just to stay hidden and wait" Bill said.

"Really? That's their plan?" Loki asked but I gave him a look before turning back to Bill and Fleur.

"Have you heard anything about Sirius?" I ask.

"Only that while fleeing from some Death Eaters, he killed one of them or something like that" Bill said.

I sighed in relief that he is still alive.


"Are you sure that's hers?" Ron asked as Hermione was holding up a hair.

"Positive" Hermione said.

We all went outside while we waited for Ron and Hermione to change their clothes and for Hermione to drink the polyjuice potion. When she did, she came to us.

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