chapter 51

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We soon started flying lower a little and was over water but there was land nearby.

"We're dropping" Harry said.

"I say we jump" Ron said.

"When?" Hermione asked but I got up and jumped.

"Y/N!" they all called but I dived into the water, staying low to scare them.

I faintly saw 5 figures jumping into the water and lingering before going to land.

"Y/N" I heard and it sounded weird.

"Where is she?" I think I heard Ron ask.

Bucky came forward and I went just in front of him and pulled him into the water. They all started screaming and I wanted to laugh so bad.

I held my hand over Bucky's mouth and he looked at me, giving me a look. I created an air pocket around his mouth, like the bubble head charm and put my finger up to my mouth, signalling him to be quiet.

I created a water vortex around me (^) and lifted myself into the air, propelling myself towards the 4 and they screamed as I started laughing.

Bucky came up right after and started laughing as well. I got on the floor, dieing, and held my stomach as it was paining me.

"Y/N! That's not funny! We thought you died!" Hermione yelled and I started laughing even more.

"You... thought I died... when I can control water?" I ask between laughs.

"Darling, we need to go now!" Loki said and I sat up.

"Fine" I say, chuckling.

"Listen, there's another one at Hogwarts" Harry said as we were walking up the hill.

"A Horcrux?" I asked for clarification.

"Yes" Harry said.

Hermione got out a bottle and gave us some of the contents of it. I have no idea what it was but I just did what the others were doing.

"What? You saw it?" Hermione asked.

"I saw the castle. And Rowena Ravenclaw. It must have something to do with her, we have to go there now" Harry said changing his clothes.

I quickly turned around and used my magic to change my clothes instantly. I turn back around and see Bucky shirtless. He looks cute. I blush and cover my face but Bucky sees.

"Doll?" he asks.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Are you blushing?"

"Shut up" I say and turn around.

The others start laughing and I turn to them.

"He's my husband, of course I think he's hot" I say and look at Bucky.

He smiles and comes to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I rest my arms on his bare skin and my hands on his neck.

"Not now" I say and gesture to the others.

"I don't care" he says and kisses me. I kiss him back and he pulls me closer. I pull back.

"Please not now" I say and he smiles, finishing changing his clothes.

I try to ignore everything and tie up my hair.

"Anyway, we can't do that. We've got to plan, we've got to figure it out" Hermione argued.

"Hermione, when have any of our plans ever actually worked?" Harry asked "We plan, we get there, all hell breaks lose"

"He's right. One problem. Snape's headmaster now. We can't just walk through the front door"

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