chapter 37

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"Stop it, Ron. You're making it snow" Hermione said. Ron was looking at Lavander and we all were at the Griffindor table.

"Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again" Ron said.

"Well, she came to visit you in the hospital. And you talked. I don't believe it was a particularly long conversation" Hermione said.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. It’s just she seems a bit put out" Ron said.

We looked at Lavander. She looked really angry and looked like she was crying.

"Yes, um... she does, doesn't she? You say you don't remember anything from that night. Anything at all?" Hermione asked.

"There is something" Ron said and thought for a moment "It can't be. I was completely boggled, wasn't I?" Ron asked.

"Right. Boggled" I sass.

Me, Harry and Hermione looked down at our books. I was still reading my Fantastic Beasts book.

"Harry... that's Katie. Katie Bell" Hermione said and I looked up. Harry got up and went to her.

"I feel so bad for her. Katie" I say.

"I know. It's awful what happened" Hermione said.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Draco and he looked a little pale. He ran away but I just went back to my book. I read a couple of pages before closing my book and getting up.

"Shit" I curse under my breath "I forgot something. I'll be back" I say to Hermione and Ron, before running to the bathroom that Harry and Draco were in.

I touched the wall and saw Draco and Harry opposite each other.

"I'm gonna hate myself after this" I say quietly.

"Sectumsempra!" Harry said.

I teleported in front of Draco before the spell hit him. All I felt was pain. I got shot back and blood was pouring out of me. I tried to get up, to heal myself but I couldn't. Draco sat next to me and cupped my cheeks in his hands.

"Y/N!" I heard someone call from outside. They came in and I saw Loki "Shit. I knew you'd come here" Loki said and came to me.

It was getting hard to breath and I was choking on my own blood when Snape came in.

"Vulnera Sanentur. Vulnera Sanentur. Vulnera Sanentur" Snape repeated until all my blood was back in me. I passed out, not feeling the pain anymore.


I woke up in the hospital wing and looked around. Everyone was here, including Draco. I smiled to myself when I saw Bucky next to me, holding my hand.

"Hey" I say lightly.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Bucky asked.

"Better. Do you wanna go ahead with a lecture or are you gonna wait because everyone else is here?" I ask, sitting up.

"I'm gonna wait" Bucky said and I smiled.

"Y/N, I-"

"You didn't know what the spell would do and I made the choice to save Draco. Did you get rid of that book?" I ask Harry.

"Yes. Ginny got rid of it for me" Harry said.

"That's not the only thing she did" I say quietly.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Nothing" Harry said quickly.

"Y/N, thank you" Draco said and I looked at him.

"Draco Malfoy thanking someone? Who cast a spell on you?" I joke, but he smiles weakly.

"Really. Thank you" he says.

"You look pale" I say, sitting on the edge of the bed and standing up.

I fall and Draco helps me up.

"Why is it so hard to walk everytime I wake up from passing out or a coma or something?" I ask myself and Draco looks confused.

"You were in a coma?" Hermione asked.

"Yes. At home, she saved her father but in the process became really weak and went into a coma that lasted 2 weeks" Loki said, remembering Draco is here. Bucky came to me and helped me stand as well.

"Guys, I'm fine" I say and they both let go. I fall to the floor "Nevermind" I say, getting up and holding the bed. I walk around and start getting used to it "Let's go to the common room" I say and kiss Bucky's cheek before heading to the Griffindor common room.


Me and Harry sat on the sofa while Ron and Hermione sat on the floor. Harry took the liquid luck and opened it, having the whole thing in one go.

"Well, how do you feel?" Hermione asked.

"Excellent. Really excellent" Harry said with a smile as all off us stood up.

"Remember, Slughorn usually leaves early, takes a walk, and then returns to his office" Hermione reminded Harry.

"Right. I'm going down to Hagrid's" Harry said.

"What? No, Harry, you've got to go to speak to Slughorn. We have a plan" Hermione said.

"I know but I've got a really good feeling about Hagrid's. I feel it's... It's the place to be tonight. Do you know what I mean?" Harry asked.

"No" Hermione and Ron said together.

"Yes" I say.

"Well, trust me. I know what I'm doing. Or Felix does" Harry reassures before leaving.

When he left, I excused myself and teleported to Dumbledore's office, bringing Loki and Bucky with me.

"You wanted to see us, Dumbledore" I say and he nods his head. I see Severus and he looks confused.

"What is Mrs and Mr Barnes doing here with Mr Odinson?" Severus asked, turning to Dumbledore.

"I called them here" Dumbledore said simply.

"Why?" Severus asked.

"They know what will happen. You 3, no matter what happens, you cannot change the future. I know you know what will happen, and that I will die, but you mustn't do anything, or the consequences will be too ghastly to explain"

"We know, Dumbledore" Loki said.

"You're gonna die?!" Bucky asked.

"Right. I better..." I say and touch Bucky's forehead, showing him the rest of this movie and the other 2.

"Uh... we won't change anything" Bucky said.

"Dumbledore, I'm sorry we can't change your fate" I say and he smiles.

"It is death that gives our life meaning" Dumbledore said. I gave him a hug and he hugged me back "You must get back to your common rooms" Dumbledore said, and I nodded my head.

Loki teleported to the Slytherin common room and I took Bucky to his.

"Fred, Remus, Tonks, Snape, Dobby everyone who dies later. What do we do?" Bucky asked, holding me in his arms.

"We save them. Except Snape. We can't save him. He has to die" I say, really annoyed that I can't save him.

"Okay" Bucky said and I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him. After a while, I pull away.

"I better go" I say and he kisses me one last time.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you too" I say and smile before teleporting to the Griffindor common room.

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