chapter 57

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We landed on Morag. I was a little dazed and held onto Steve as I staightened out. Me and Steve removed our quantum leap outfits, looking like ourselves.

"Should I teleport us there?" I ask.

"Yeah. That'd be much quicker" Steve said, smiling at me.

"Our last adventure together" I say.

I hold his hand, teleporting inside the temple. I see Peter on the floor and quickly made us invisivble.

"The case" I whisper to Steve.

Steve opens the case and I take out the Power Stone, holding it in my hand.

I created the orb for the stone and placed it into its cage, the bars summoning to protect it just when Rhodey leaped.

Nebula was in pain and smacked the side of her head, a hologram of Thanos. Once it's over, she runs out the temple. I make us visible.

"Next stone" Steve said and closed the case.

I took his arm and teleported to the Soul Stone Mountain.

We climb up but I quickly put my hand out, stopping Steve and opening the case, taking the Soul Stone. I see myself and Clint fighting.

Clint jumps off the cliff but I jump off with him, using the gadget. I walk to the edge of the cliff and see myself dropping.

2 lights shot up to the sky and disperse, Clint disappearing. I quickly hand the Soul Stone to Red Skull and he looks pissed.

"Captain America" Red Skull says and Steve nods his head.

"Oh, stuff a sock in it you lunatic, no-nose Voldemort wannabe" I say.

Steve closed the case and I took his arm. Just as we leaped, I heard Red Skull cussing us out.

We leaped to New York.

"You give the Time Stone, I'll do the Mind Stone" I say and Steve nods his head. Steve hands me the stone and I create the sceptre, holding it tight "Meet you back here?" I ask.

"Yeah, now go" Steve says and I smile, making myself and the sceptre invisible.

I teleport to Stark Tower, changing to look like an agent. I make myself visible but keep the sceptre invisible. I teleport to the lobby.

I start walking backwards from the receptionist desk when I hit something. Or someone. I turn around and my eyes widen.

"Excuse me, miss. This is a prisoner" a guard said but I didn't care.

"Loki" I say, hugging him.

I kiss his forehead but a guard pulls me away.

"I'm going, I'm going. Loki, don't ever think that no one loves you, because I do" I say.

I see Hulk bashing through as dad walks away with the case. Loki takes the Tesseract, teleporting away with it. I touch the wall and see Rumlow and some agents in the elevator still.

I sigh and teleport outside it, clicking the button outside it so it stops when it comes. While I wait, I make a case and put the sceptre in it. The doors open.

"Sitwell, Rumlow" I say, walking in.

I get my keys from my pocket and drop them by 'accident', crouching down to get them. I touch the ground and see Scott leap. I get up and hand the case to Rumlow.

"The Captain wants me to return the sceptre to you" I say, putting my keys in my pocket "Hail Hydra" I say, teleporting out of the elevator.

I teleport to the spot that me and Steve would meet at. I see Steve running to me  "Wait. Which Steve are you?" I ask.

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