chapter 5

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Me, Loki and Bucky were hanging out and messing around outside with Fred and George. Bucky had come to the conclusion that Fred was just messing with Bucky when he winked at me during quidditch.

Before he made this breaking discovery, though, he would try everything to keep me away from Fred and often got mixed up with George, so I basically couldn't hang out with the twins for a while and it was annoying.

I love the twins and the pranks that they pull on everyone. But, anyways, me, Bucky and Loki were having a snowball fight and I was winning, of course, and Fred and George were making a snowman.

I was tempted to destroy the snowman more than once but left it alone against my annoying judgment.

After a while of me and Bucky doing cute couple things, and Loki scoffing at us, I saw footprints in the snow going towards Fred and George.

I quietly call them and direct them to the footprint. After whispering a little, they grabbed Harry by the arms and pulled him away from everyone else. I went after them to see this, but stayed quiet and undetected.

"Now Harry, come and join the big boys" Fred and George said at the same time.

I was hiding behind a wall and copying everything they said silently, fangirling over everything that did, so imagine it.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, pulling down the invisibility cloak.

They shushed him, looked around and gave him a piece of parchment.

"What's this rubbish?" Harry asked and I chuckled quietly.

"'What's this rubbish' he says. That there, is the secret to our success" Fred said and I touched the wall to see.

"It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me"

"But we've decided, your needs are greater than ours. George, if you will" Fred said, gesturing to the parchment. George took out his wand.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" George said, touching the tip of his wand to the parchment.

The map slowly came onto the parchment.

"'Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs... are proud to present the Marauder's map'?" Harry asked, looking at them.

"We owe them so much" George said.

Harry opened the map, looking at it.

"Hang on. This is Hogwarts" Harry says and I decide to come into view.

"What are you doing?!" I yell really loudly and they got scared, trying to cover the map.

"Godric, Y/N" Fred says, standing normally and shaking his head.

"You scared the life out of us" George said and I smiled.

"Good. I want to show you something on the map" I say, walking forward "This is Newt Scamander" I say, pointing to where he is "But I don't know why he's here"

"Who's Newt Scamander?" Harry asked.

"A famous Hufflepuff" I say "I don't actually know what he's doing here, I've always wanted to" I say and they shrug their shoulders "Wow, such a big help. I might go and visit him myself" I say.

Harry looks back down at the map.

"And that... no. Is that really-" Harry started.

"Dumbledore" Fred finished.

"In his study"


"Does that a lot"

"So you mean this map shows-" Harry said but got interrupted again.

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