chapter 49

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They take us to the Manor and stand right in front of the gate. Belletrix comes and Scabior shows her Harry. After a moment, she speaks.

"Get Draco" she said in a light and ghostly voice.

They let us inside and Snatchers held all of us, taking us to the main room. As soon as I see Draco and he sees me, I teleport in front of him and hug him.

"It's great to see you, but not like this" I say, but a Snatcher grabs me, pulling me back.

"Be... Gentle with her" Draco said lightly. Bellatrix took Harry and held his head up so Draco could see him.

"Well?" she asked.

"I can't be sure" Draco said.

"Draco, look closely son" Lucius said, holding Draco's throat from behind. Not to threaten him "If we are the ones to hand Potter over to the Dark Lord... Everything would be forgiven. All would be as it was, you understand?" Lucius asked and Draco nodded his head.

"Now, we won't be forgetting who actually caught him, I hope, Mr Malfoy" Scabior said, walking towards Lucius.

"You dare to talk to me like that in my own house?!" Lucius asked.

"Lucius" Narcissa warned and pulled him back.

"Don't be shy, sweetie. Come over. Now, if this isn't who we think it is, Draco, and we call him, he'll kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure" Bellatrix said.

"What's wrong with his face?" Draco asked.

"Yes, what is wrong with his face?" Bellatrix asked.

"He came to us like that. Something he picked up in the forest, I reckon" Scabior said.

"Or ran into a Stinging Jinx. Was it you, dearie? Give me her wand. We'll see what her last spell was" Bellatrix said, walking past Hermione and Ron. She laughed "Got you. What is that? Where'd you get that from?" Bellatrix asked, referring to the sword of Griffindor.

"It was in her bag when we searched her. Reckon it's mine now" a Snatcher said who was holding it.

She shot a spell at him and got the sword, attacking the other Snatchers.

"Are you mad?" Scabior asked but she chocked him.

"Go! Get out!" Bellatrix yelled and they got up, leaving "Cissy, put the boys and the special one in the cellar. I want to have a little conversation with this one, girl-to-girl" Bellatrix said and Narcissa grabbed Harry and Ron, giving them to Pettigrew.

Lucius grabbed Bucky and Loki and Bellatrix grabbed me, pushing me towards the cellar. Pettigrew grabbed me and took me to the cellar, throwing me onto the floor. Bucky helped me up and I thanked him. Ron and Harry ran to the gate.

"What are we gonna do, we can't leave Hermione alone with her" Ron said.

"Just stay calm" I say and Ron looks at me.

"Calm?!" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ron?" I heard Luna call and I turned around "Y/N?" she called again, coming into view. Ron used the deluminator to turn on a light.

"Luna?" Harry asked.

Everyone gathered around us and we all heard Hermione screaming. I felt so bad.

"We have to do something" Ron said.

"No, there's no way out if here, we've tried everything. It's enchanted" Mr Ollivander said.

"You're bleeding Harry. That's a curious thing to keep in your sock" Luna said as Harry grabbed a shard of class.

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