chapter 14

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"Brilliant isn't he! Completely demented of course. Terrifying to be in the same room with. He's really been there, you know" I heard Ron say.

"There's a reason those curses are unforgivable, and to perform them in a classroom. I mean, did you see Neville's face. And Y/N's. He could've killed her!" Hermione said and I dropped my books.

"Sorry" I say, picking them up.

Once I stand up again, I see Neville facing the window.

"Neville?" Hermione called.

'Moody' approached Neville and we made eye contact.

"Son. You alright?" 'Moody' asked and Neville nodded his head "Come on, we'll have a cup of tea. I want to show you something" 'Moody' said and after a while, Neville followed him.


I was sitting in the Great Hall reading a book when Fred and George came in, talking excitingly about something. I quickly finished the page and closed my book, looking at them as they sat down, both of them in front of me.

"What are you guys talking about?" I ask and they look at me.

"The new D.A.D.A teacher" Fred said and I tried not to show any emotion.

"He's brilliant. Best D.A.D.A teacher we've ever had" George said and I scoffed.

"What's so great about him?" I ask, a little annoyed.

"What's not great about him?" Fred asked.

"Um... let me see, everything" I say, hanging my head a little low.

"What's he done to you?" George asked.

"Yeah, you're never this... grumpy at anyone" Fred said.

"I'm not grumpy, I'm pissed off" I say, looking up at the twins.

"Why?" The twins asked together.

"Reasons" I say, annoyed.

"And that reason is...?" George asked.

"He just did something in class that I didn't expect" I say "Well, I should of" I mumble.

"Come on, just tell us" Fred begged.

"Yeah. How are we going to cheer you up if you won't tell us" George said and I sighed.

"He almost killed me" I say quietly. They look at me confused.

"What? We didn't hear you?" Fred said, jokingly putting his ear close to my face.

"He almost killed me!" I yell.

I dropped my head into my arms.

"How?" the twins asked worried. I lifted my head up and looked at them.

"He was showing us the unforgivable curses. I blurted out the Killing Curse and he pointed his wand at me, saying the words, but nothing happened. At that moment, I thought I would never see anyone again" I say and the twins looked at each other, then back at me.

"Blimey" George said.


Everyone was gathered around the Goblet, putting their names in as everyone else watched. Cedric put his name in and everyone cheered. Ron waved at Cedric but he didn't notice it.

"Eternal glory, be brilliant wouldn't it? In three years from now we'll be old enough to be chosen" Ron said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, well rather you than me" Harry said.

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