chapter 17

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A/N: if you don't like the dress, then, sorry.


I was with Hermione and we were walking to the entrance to the Great Hall. I was wearing a beautiful red dress that Sirius got me, my hair was down and curled and I had red high heels on. I was really nervous.

Hermione poked her head around the corner and started walking down the stairs. She looked amazing and I was panicking.

"She looks beautiful" I heard Parvati say.

"Y/N!" Hermione's voice called.

"Um, coming" I say "I can do this" I whisper to myself.

I was about to go but stopped myself.

"I can't do this"

"Y/N, come on" Hermione said.

"Uh, tell Bucky I'll be late" I say, fiddling with my fingers.

"I'm already here" I heard Bucky say "Doll, come on. It'll be fine"

I took a deep breath and came into view, walking down the stairs. People were looking at me with their mouths open, staring, making me feel quite shy and hold my arm nervously. I got to Bucky and he didn't say anything.

"Is it the dress? No, it's not the dress. Is it me, my hair, does it look okay? I-"

Bucky cut me off by gently pressing our lips together. After a while, he pulls away.

"You look more than beautiful" he says and I blush.

"You look handsome, as always. We better go before the champions start dancing. Who did Loki take?" I ask as we make our way to the Great Hall.

"I don't know" Bucky says.

I scan the room for Loki. Once I find him, I show Bucky where he is and we make our way to him.

"Hey" I say, pulling Loki into a hug.

"Hey. You look beautiful" Loki said, making me smile.

"Thanks. You look great" he smiles "Who did you bring? Tell me you brought someone" I say, and he chuckles.

"This is Daphne Greengrass" Loki said and pointed next to him, gesturing to her.

"Hi" I say, shaking her hand.

"Hi. You must be Y/N" she says and I nod.

"This is my boyfriend, Bucky" I say, the 2 shaking hands.

"So, how did you 2 meet?" I ask, looking at both of them.

"Oh, we started talking at the Slytherin table and became friends" Loki said and I nodded.

"How did you 2 meet?" Daphne asks, but I shruf my shoulders smiling.

"It's a weird story" I say, putting my hands up.

"Come on" she said and I smiled.

"Oh, alright. Me and Bucky were fighting. Like, fist fighting. Bucky was... going through some stuff and he did things he didn't want to. He was trying to hurt my friend but I stopped him and we sort of... clicked" I say, looking up at Bucky and smiling.

He smiled back at me and my gaze trailed to his lips but I looked back at Loki, not wanting to kiss him in front of other people.

"Oh, I need to ask you something, doll" Bucky said.

I nodded my head, and he moved me to the side to talk. He spoke very quietly.

"Someone told me you kissed Fred. I didn't believe them but I just wanted to ask"

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