chapter 31

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-Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince-

"Mum?" I heard Ginny call form downstairs.

"Ginny, what is it?" Molly asked.

"I was only wondering when Harry got here" Ginny asked.

"What? Harry? Harry, who?" Molly asked and I walked out of mine, Ginny and Hermione's shared room.

"Harry Potter, of course" Ginny said.

"I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my house, wouldn't I?" Molly said.

"His trunk's in the kitchen. And his owl" Ginny said.

"No, dear. I seriously doubt that" Molly said.

"Harry? Did someone say Harry?" Ron asked and I headed for the stairs.

"Me, nosey. Is he up there with you?" Ginny asked Ron.

"Of course not. I think I'll know if my best friend's in my room, wouldn't I?" Ron said as if it were obvious.

"Is that an owl I heard?" Hermione asked, coming out the room.

"You haven't seen him, have you? Apparently, he's wandering about the house" Ginny asked.

"Really?" Hermione said and I reached Ginny.

"Really" Harry said and Ginny went to him, hugging him.

"Did I hear Harry?" Bucky asked "LOKI?!" Bucky yelled/called and I laughed.

"Harry!" Molly said, hearing Harry. She was coming down the stairs.

"Harry" Hermione said, hugging him after Ginny.

Me and Ron gave him a hug and I saw Bucky and Loki. They both gave him a hug, too

"What a lovely surprise! Why didn't you let us know you were coming?" Molly said.

"I didn't know. Dumbledore" Harry said.

"Oh, that man! But what would we without him?" Molly asked rhetorically. Ron touched under Hermione's lip.

"A bit of... toothpaste" Ron said, putting his hand down.


"So when did you get here?" Harry asked Hermione.

"A few days ago. Although for a while, I wasn't sure I was coming" Hermione admitted.

"What about you 3?" Harry asked me, Bucky and Loki.

"Same day as Hermione" Bucky said.

"Mum... sort of lost it, last week. Said Ginny and I have no business going back to Hogwarts. It's too dangerous"

"Oh, come on" Harry said.

"She's not alone. Even my parents, they're muggles and they know something bad's happening" Hermione said.

"Anyway, dad stepped in. Told her she was being barmy and... took a few days, but she came around" Ron said.

"But, this is Hogwarts we're talking about. It's Dumbledore. What could be safer?" Harry asked.

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