chapter 56

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I was sitting in the burrow, drinking hot chocolate with Fred and George when my phone buzzed on my butt.

"What was that?" Fred asked, looking at the sofa.

"My butt. No, I'm joking. My phone" I say, getting it out of my pocket.

The twins looked at my phone with me as I looked at the notification. I set the hot chocolate on the table in front of us and leaned back on the sofa, going on Instagram. There was a post by JK Rowling. I clicked on it and started reading.


"Calm down, I'm coming" Harry said, rushing down the stairs.

"No, I can't calm down" I say and he jogs to me, Fred and George.

"What's wrong" he asked.

"Read" I say, handing him my phone.

"Is everything alright?" Ginny asked, coming in the room.

"Who is yelling?" Hermione asked.

"Me. Harry read the post" I say.

"Okay. 'JK Rowling has just confirmed that Lily Potter... was pregnant with her second child when Voldemort killed her and James Potter in an attempt to kill their son, Harry Potter'. I could've had a sibling?" Harry asked and I nodded my head.

"Oh yeah, go ahead and ruin everything then Rowling. Thank you so much for making me feel like shit" I say.

"You could've had a brother or sister" Hermione says.

"Harry, you alright, mate?" George asked.

"Yeah. It's in the past and there's nothing I can do about it" Harry said.

"Wow, you took that surprisingly well. You took it better than me and it's about you" I say "Sorry, Harry"

"It's alright. Thank you. You could've kept it to yourself but you decided to tell me. I appreciate that" Harry said and I smiled.

"Any time" I say, putting a hand on his shoulder.


I was in my shared room in the burrow, reading a book when I felt something wrong in my stomach. I quickly put my book down and held my stomach, worried about what was going on.

I quickly teleported to St Mungo's hospital and made myself my age. I scheduled an appointment for right then and luckily there was a doctor available.

She took me to a private room and I explained what happened. She ran a couple of tests and came back devastated.

She told me what was happening to me and I felt heartbroken. I teleported back to the burrow and saw Bucky sitting on my bed.

"Uh... Bucky, I need to tell you something" I say and he looks at me.

"What is it, doll?" he asked and I sat down.


"I just wanted to know when we were going back home" Loki said coming in the room "Oh, sorry, I'll come back"

"No, it's fine. Stay. We're going home soon"

"Okay. I've decided to stay here. Forever" Loki said and I looked at him.

"Why?" I ask "Don't you wanna see Thor?"

"Daphne. I really like her and I can't leave her so I'm staying in this universe"

"Can I try something. Avatar Aang, the person who my bending is related to, can take and give power. I might be able to do it to you" I say and Loki looks really hopeful.

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