chapter 21

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-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix-

"Dudley, run" I heard Harry say and Dudley tried to run but slipped on some ice.

I shalleth explaineth.

I wanted to help Harry fight off the dementors and make sure he's alright. Don't patronise me, I know he'll be fine but I still wanna be part of the action and it might be a little hard for Harry to help Dudley get home.

"Expecto Patronum!" he yelled and his Patronus appeared, pushing the dementor away.

I came into view and pointed to Dudley. Harry looked back and pushed the dementor away as well. A dementor came up behind me and started attacking me.

I wanted to use my wand but I'm legally not of age, so the consequences would be too annoying to deal with.

I felt so weak and almost passed out when Harry used his Patronus to push away the dementor. I fell to my knees but quickly got up.

"Mrs Figg" Harry said, looking at her. He was putting his wand away.

"Don't put away your wand, Harry. They might come back" Mrs Figg said and I helped Harry hold Dudley up.

"No offence, Y/N, but why are you here?" Harry asked turning to me.

"Helping, kind of" I say simply and we start heading to his house.


"Dementors in Little Whinging, whatever next? Whole world's gone topsy-turvy" Mrs Figg said.

"I don't understand. How do you know-" Harry started but Mrs Figg interrupted him.

"Dumbledore asked me to keep an eye on you" she said.

"Dumbledore asked you? You know Dumbledore?" Harry asked confused.

"After You-Know-Who killed that poor Diggory boy last year did you expect him to let you go wandering on your own? Good Lord, boy. They told me you were intelligent. Now, get inside and stay there. Expect someone will be in touch soon. Whatever happens, don't leave the house" Mrs Figg said and me and Harry walked to Dudley's house. When we got inside, I heard Petunia.

"Diddykins? Is that you?" she asked.

We walked in the room and she got up, looking at her son.

"Duddy. Vernon, come quick" she said, calling her husband, who was eating ice cream, I think.

They got a bucket for him and they sat him down on a chair.

"We're going to have to take him to a hospital" Petunia said, worry laced in her voice.

"Who did this to you, boy?" Vernon asked. Dudley pointed at Harry "Happy, are we, now? You've finally done it. You've finally driven him loopy" Vernon said and looked at me carefully.

"Vernon, don't say that" Petunia said.

"Well, just look at him, Petunia. Our boy has gone yumpy" Vernon argued "I've reached my limit, do you hear? This is the last I'm gonna take of you and your nonsense" he continued.

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