chapter 54

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We all started running and following Harry, fighting off any bad guy who came in our way. Harry quickly stopped us before we turned a corner and someone shot a spell.

I quickly shot a spell at them and we continued on. We went outside and there was a giant fighting. When it saw us, we quickly took a U-turn and hid behind a bell.

The giant hit the bell and continued fighting else where. We ran but acromatulas started coming at us. We ran inside and saw Greyback feeding off someone.

"No!" Hermione yelled and shot a spell at him.

The person was Lavander. We continued on and went to the bridge but hundreds to thousands of dementors were coming our way. Aberforth shot the patronus charm at them, making them all back away.

"I need to go, you stay with the trio" I say but Bucky holds me back "I'll be fine" I say and he nods, kissing me.

"Be careful" he said and went.

I touched the floor and searched everywhere for Fred or George. I found them exactly where they were meant to be. I teleported to them and saw Fred and George joking about something.

"Fred!" I called and ran to him, hugging him quickly.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Fred asked and I nodded my head.

"I'm fine but I need you to promise me something" I say and the building starts falling a little.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Promise me you'll tell Bucky I love him, more than words can explain, and that death can never keep us apart. Tell him to move on and live his life" I say.

"Why are you saying this?" Fred asked and a tear slipped down my cheek.

"I love you Fred" I say, and just as I use my air bending to push him away, the wall exploded and I got sent back, seeing black.

-Bucky's POV-

We all got back to the Great Hall and everyone was being tended to. Ron went ahead and Loki looked at me wearily but I just looked around.

I started walking through but saw the Weasley family huddled around someone. But I saw Fred and George there. My heart dropped at the thought of who it could be.

I walked forwards and saw Y/N laying on the floor. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I dropped to my knees and cried as I held her lifeless body in my arms.

"Doll? Doll, please say something, please do something" I said but here she was, motionless "Please, this can't be happening. You said you'd be fine" I say, crying my eyes out. The love of my life was now dead in my arms "I can't lose you. We were going to have a family" I say.

I could hear crying from behind me and looked back, seeing everyone in tears. I looked back at Y/N and moved a strand of hair out of her face.

"I love you so much" I say, kissing her forehead.

"Bucky, she told me to tell you that she loves you, more than anything and that you could never be kept apart. She wants you to move forward and live your life" Fred said, but I didn't move.

"What's the point of living if I can't be with her?" I asked. My tears dropped onto her cheeks and I wiped them away.

"She was the only one who saw past my cover, the only one who cared for me truly" Loki said and crouched down "I love you, darling" he said and kissed her forehead.

Sirius crouched down and took her from me, kissing her forehead and laying her on the floor.

Something buzzed and I looked in her pocket, seeing her phone light. I opened it and saw a message from Tony.

'Hi honey, just wanted to check in, see how you are' Tony wrote. He was online.

'Tony,' my fingers paused and ghost over the words. 'she died' I wrote, my fingers shaking as I typed in the letters.

'Who is this?'

'Tony, it's Bucky. She died' I wrote.

'This has to be some joke, you're joking, right?' he typed. I facetimed him and he picked up.

"Tin, tell me you're joking" Tony said but he saw my tears and a few Weasleys crying behind me.

"She was trying to save Fred. She saved him but she died" I say.

There's a pause as he thought for a minute.

"Call me back when you can and we'll get Strange to open a portal to let you guys through. We can arrange a funeral for her. I'll tell the others" Tony said and my heart ached.

He started crying and shut the phone.

She didn't deserve this. Everyone started going outside and I reluctantly followed, anger coursing through my veins.

"Who is that Hagrid's carrying?" Ginny asked "Neville, who it is?"

"Harry Potter... is dead!" Voldemort exclaimed and Ginny tried going to him.

"No! No!" she cried but Arthur held her back.

"Silence" Voldemort said and cast a spell "Stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead" he repeated and I wanted to kill him "From this day forth, you put your faith... in me" he continued and walked towards his army "Harry Potter is dead!" he exclaimed and everyone started laughing, including himself.

"You killed my wife!" I yelled, runing to him, but Loki holds me back as Voldemort turns to me.

"Who would marry you? Was it that special girl? I thought she couldn't be killed but here we are" Voldemort said.

I almost got free of Loki but he used his magic to stop me.

"Now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die"

"Draco" Lucius called and everyone looked at Draco "Draco" he called again.

"Draco... come" Narcissa said and Draco hesitantly went forward.

"Ah. Well done, Draco. Well done" Voldemort said and gave him a hug before he joined his parents.

Neville walked forwards, limping at each step.

"Well, I must say I hoped for better" Voldemort said and his followers laughed "And who might you be, young man?"

"Neville Longbottom" Neville said. The laughed again.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks" Voldemort said.

"I'd like to say something" Neville said. Voldemort looked tired with this.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say" Voldemort said.

"Doesn't matter that Harry's gone" Neville started.

"Stand down, Neville" Seamus tried.

"People die everyday. Friends, family. Yeah... we lost Harry tonight. He's still with us. In here. So's Y/N... all of them. They didn't die in vain. But you will. Because you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us. For all of us! It's not over!" Neville yelled and pulled the sword of Griffindor out of the sorting hat.

"Harry, now!" I heard a familiar voice say and my eyes started watering.

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