chapter 8

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Ron dropped Scabbers and looked at his hand.

"He bit me! Scabbers!" Ron called and ran after him.

"Ron. Ron! Ron!" Hermione called and we all chased after him.

"Scabbers, come back!" Ron said.

"Wait!" Harry said.

"Scabbers, you bit me!" Ron said, sitting on the floor with Scabbers in his hand.

"Guys, you do realize what tree this is?" Hermione asked and I looked at the Whomping Willow.

"That's not good. Ron, run!" Harry yelled and I looked behind me.

"Guys, run! It's the Grim!" Ron said, pointing to Sirius.

Sirius jumped over us and started dragging Ron into a hole in the ground.

"Ron! Ron, wait!" Harry called.

We were all running to him as fast as we could but me and Loki didn't try to save him.

Harry almost grabbed his hand but Ron disappeared into the hole, clutching Scabbers.

The Whomping Willow moved and swung us backwards. We made our way forward, trying not to get hit by the tree.

"Move" Harry said, moving to the side and falling down.

"Duck!" Hermione said and ducked the tree, but Harry got hit and fell to the side.

Harry stayed on the ground and Hermione jumped over a branch, then got swept up by the Willow. I was ducking and protecting Loki and Bucky, using my magic to my advantage.

"Harry!" Hermione called and gripped onto him, both of them moving through the air uncontrollably.

While the tree was distracted, I slipped into the hole and rested my back on the ground, panting a little. Bucky came in after me and landed on top of me. I groaned a little at the pain.

"Sorry" he said and I gave him a quick kiss.

"This is like Civil War all over again" I say and Loki lands on top of Bucky.

"Ow, okay, you guys are heavy" I say, pushing them to the side.

"Heavy?!" Loki asked and I rolled my eyes.

Harry landed on top of me and Hermione landed on him.

"Why?!" I say.

"Sorry" Harry said and got off of me.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Hermione said and I shook my head.

"Don't worry" Harry said.

"It's fine" I say, cleaning my clothes from dirt.

"Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione asked.

"I have a hunch. I just hope I'm wrong" Harry said and I moved forward, towards the Shrieking Shack.


"We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?" Hermione asked as we were looking around.

"Come on" Harry said and we walked up some stairs, finding Ron, scared out of his mind "Ron" Harry said in relief as we approached him.

"Ron. You're okay" Hermione said.

I sighed in relief, I don't know why.

"The dog. Where is it?" Harry asked.

"Harry it's a trap. He's the dog. He's an Animagus" Ron said, pointing behind us.

We all looked behind and saw Sirius standing there.

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