chapter 47

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I was sitting by the lake, practicing my bending when I quickly create shards of ice and almost kill the person standing there. I stop the shards just before it hits their face and they move an ice shard to the side.

"You scared me" I say.

"I scared you?" Loki asked, gesturing to the shards.

"Right" I say, turning the ice to water, it dropping to the ground "So, what brings you to my humble lake?" I ask and he chuckles.

"I don't know" he says and I push back the water, making a circle of land, sitting down.

"Do you wanna sit?" I ask and he comes to me, sitting down "Do you think we'll be able to do it?" I ask.

"Do what?" Loki asked.

"Save Dobby, Fred, Remus, Tonks, anyone else" I say.

"Ah, yes. I believe we can" Loki said.

"Okay, that's some reassurance for me" I say and he smiles.

"Don't worry" Loki said and I smiled.

"I think you should" I say and he frowns.

"Why?" Loki asked.

"Because of this" I say and quickly fly, letting the water travel down and cover Loki.

"Darling!" Loki said and got up. I was laughing but Loki grabbed my leg and pulled me down into the water.

"Hey!" I say and splash him with water. He splashes me back and I use air bending to dry myself, then look at Loki.

"Hello?" Loki asked.

"What?" I ask. Loki gestures to himself "Oh, right" I say and make an air current, drying Loki.

"Thank you" Loki says and I smile.

"No problem, Lakey" I say. He groans.

"Don't start bringing that up" Loki said.

"Fine" I say and start walking towards the tent, Loki coming with me.

"Do you think I'll make a good mother? When we're ready?" I ask and he smiles.

"I think you'll make a wonderful mother" Loki said.

"I don't know. There are so many things that can go wrong" I say

"And the best way to learn is by making mistakes. You won't get it right immediately. All you gotta do is try" Loki reassured and I sighed.

"You're right. Thanks Loki" I say, pulling him into a hug.

"It's alright, darling" Loki said and hugged me back. I pulled back and went into the tent, Loki coming too.


"Doll, get up" I heard faintly, and opened my eyes.

"Ugh, Bucky, what is it?" I ask, snuggling into him.

"Harry's calling us" he said and I got up quickly.

"Is Ron with him?" I ask.

"Probably. Let's go" Bucky said and helped me up. Harry was talking to Loki and Hermione. Hermione saw Ron and just looked at him.

"Hey" he said with a smile. Hermione walked up to him and his smile left.

"You... complete... arse, Ronald Weasley!" Hermione yelled, throwing leaves at him "You show up here after weeks... and you say 'hey'?!" Hermione said angrily, hitting Ron with his bag "Where's my wand, Harry? Where's my wand?" Hermione asked, marching up to him.

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