chapter 43

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Harry signalled to Ron and he nodded his head. He came to his spot and pretended to tie his shoelaces as Harry shot a spell at a Ministry lady, making her pass out.

Ron picked up her legs and pulled her in the room. Hermione took a strand of her hair and put it in the Polyjuice Potion she made.

"Right. Remember what we said: don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Just try and act normal. Do what everybody else is doing. If we do that, then with a bit of luck, we'll get inside. And then-" Hermione said, handing bith Harry and Ron their Polyjuice Potions.

"It gets really tricky" Harry interrupted.

"Correct" Hermione said.

"Yeah. This is completely mental" Harry said.

"Completely" Hermione repeated.

"The world's mental. Come on, we've got a Horcrux to find" Ron said.

I nodded my head and use the Reality Stone to look like older me and make Bucky look older as well. I waved my hand over his metal arm, making it look like a normal arm. Loki changed to look older and I paused.

"Our rings" I say, using the Reality Stone to make my ring invisible.

"What about it?" Bucky asked.

"She's seen what my ring looks like" I say and Bucky nods his head.

We all walked out and me and Hermione stopped in front of the men's toilet thing that takes you to the ministry.

"I'll see you at work, honey" I say, kissing Bucky's cheek.

"I'll see you, sweetheart" Bucky said, playing along.

"Let's go" I say to Hermione and she nods her head.

We go in through a telephone box I found nearby, putting in the numbers 62442, making the machine go down into the Ministry. We get to the main area and see a fountain with stone Muggles on it, them looking scared and horrified. Harry and Loki come to us.

"Are those-" Harry asked.

"Muggles" Hermione finished "In their... rightful place" Hermione said, a bit of disgust in her voice. Ron and Bucky approached us.

"Gotta tell you, I'm starting to freak out a bit" Ron said.

"How long did you say this batch of Polyjuice would last, Hermione?" Harry asked.

"I didn't" Hermione said.

We all got in an elevator and before it closes, someone stopped it.

"Cattermole. It's still raining inside my office. That 2 days now" the man said.

"Have you tried an umbrella?" Ron asked, distress in his voice.

"You do realize I'm going downstairs, don't you, Cattermole?" the man asked.

"Downstairs?" Ron asked.

"To interrogate your wife. Now, if my wife's blood status was in doubt... and the head of Department of Magical Law Inforcment needed a job doing... I think I just might make that a priority. You have 1 hour" the man said and left.

Ron closes the door quickly and pressed a floor number. We all held onto the thing that helps you balance as the elevator went backwards, then up.

"Oh my god. What am I gonna do? My wife's all alone downstairs" Ron said and I started laughing.

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