chapter 53

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I lead all the 1st and 2nd years I've got so far into the dungeons.

"Okay, everyone gather around" I say and they all get together.

I put a purple energy shield around them all and see Bucky and Loki running in with a whole load of 1st and 2nd years.

"These are all of them" Loki said and I nodded my head. I made an opening and let the others in, making the shield bigger.

"Okay, no matter what you do, don't ty to leave the shield. I'll come back for all of you when this is over, okay?" I ask and they all nod.

I was about to leave but someone stopped me.

"Wait" one kid said.

"What?" I ask.

"Kick butt" she said and I smiled.

"Always" I say, and me, Bucky and Loki leave.

We all go outside and see the barrier being put up. I look at it in wander and amazment.

"I'm glad I proposed during the Battle of Earth" Bucky said and I turned to him, smiling.

"Me too" I say "Loki, Daphne-"

"Is safe. She's inside. She's going to help fight" Loki interrupted.

"Good. We need all the help we can get" I say but there is a beam of light that hits the shield around Hogwarts.

The beam is slowly destroying the shield, ripping it like fabric.

I just want to say this is an understatement. All hell broke loose. Everything was getting destroyed and people were fleeing.

I tried helping everyone inside and shot fire at any Death Eaters that came my way. Me, Bucky and Loki went inside and saw Harry, Ginny and Neville and we quickly went to them.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"Never better. Feel like I can... spit fire" Neville said.

"We're good" Loki said and Harry nodded his head.

"You haven't seen Luna, have you?" Neville asked and I smiled.

"Luna?" Harry asked.

"I'm mad for her. I think it's about time I told her since we'll probably both be dead by dawn" Neville said, leaving to find Luna.

Harry and Ginny quickly shared a kiss before he, me, Bucky and Loki left.

We went to the room of requirements and things around us started falling and getting destroyed. Harry closed his eyes and thought for a moment before a door appeared and he opened them.

We stepped into the room. We split up and started searching the room for the diadem. It was like a maze since it was a big-ass room filled but mountains of random objects.

"Guys!" I heard Harry call and touched the floor, finding him with the diadem.

I teleported to him and touched the floor again, searching for Loki and Bucky. I guided them to us and they found us. I looked to my right and saw Draco, Goyle and Blaze there, all with their wands up.

"Well well" Draco said and Harry looked at the 3 "What brings you here, Potter?" Draco asked.

"I could ask you the same" Harry said.

"You have something of mine. I'd like it back" Draco said.

"What's wrong with the one you have?" Harry asked.

"It's my mother's. It's powerful but it's... not the same. Doesn't quite... understand me. Know what I mean?" Draco asked.

"Why didn't you tell her. Bellatrix. You knew it was me. You didn't say anything" Harry said.

Goyle whispered into Draco's ear and my blood began to boil.

"Easy" Draco said as Harry was getting something from his pocket.

"Expelliarmus!" Hermione yelled and disarmed Draco.

Goyle shot a spell at us but we all dodges it. Hermione shot a spell but it missed and hit the diadem. Ron started yelling and chased after them.

"That's my girlfriend, you numpties!" Ron yelled and I chuckled.

Harry started climbing the object tower aggressively and I started climbing it as well as the other 3. A whole 'flock' of pixies came out of a hole and started flying around but I continued climbing. Harry stopped at an orange thing and I helped him move it as he reached for the diadem.

"Got it!" he yelled and pulled it out.

It looked beautiful. We all jumped down and heard Ron screaming.

"Goyle set the bloody place on fire!" he yelled as he ran past us. We all saw a snake made of fire and I contained it for a little while before running with everyone else. It looked like we were all running in circles and the fire enclosed around us.

Harry cast a water charm and it stopped the fire from getting to us but Ron fell back and found brooms. He gave us each one and we started flying.

"Come on, this way!" Ron said and we started to follow him.

"Wait, Draco!" I yell and Ron looks at me like I'm crazy.

"We can't leave them" Harry said.

"They're joking, right?" Ron asked and Harry went for Draco but missed.

"If we die for them Y/N, I'm going to kill you!" Ron yelled and they went for the pair and got a hold of them, helping them onto their brooms.

I looked back and saw Bucky's broom on fire.

"Bucky! Jump!" I yelled and he jumped towards me.

I quickly grabbed him by his metal arm and pulled him up. He held onto my stomach and I felt myself blush. Not now, mind, not now.

"I guess it's my turn to ride" I say, referring to Civil War when we were on the motorcycle.

We went out the room and our broom fell. I landed on top of Bucky and he smiled.

"This might be a sign" Bucky said and I sighed getting up.

"Sorry" I say, helping him up.

"Don't be" he says and smirks. I smile.

"Harry!" Hermione yelled and threw a Basilisk's fang to him.

He caught it and stabbed the diadem with it. A black smoke emerged from it and Loki quickly kicked it into the fire, making it change to look like Voldemort. The doors closed by itself before the flames could escape. After a long silence, Harry spoke.

"It's the snake. She's the last one. It's the last Horcrux"

"Look inside him, Harry" Ron said, crouching down to his level "Find out where he is. If we can find him, we can find the snake, and we can end this"

Hermione crouched down to his level as well and Harry closed his eyes, breathing heavily. One massive pause later, he finally opens his eyes.

"I know where he is" Harry said.

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