chapter 40

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I woke up the next morning and saw I was alone in the room. I got up and went to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and taking a shower.

I got out and went back in the room I was just in. I make a beautiful pastel purple dress and create a mirror, looking at myself. I looked pretty good.

I curled my hair and made some baby purple high heels, putting them on. I left the room and was greeted by Bucky, looking handsome in a black suit. He had short hair and I was kinda surprised.

"Doll, you look beautiful" Bucky said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I snaked my arms around his neck and smiled.

"You don't look too bad yourself, handsome" I say, kissing him "What happened to the long hair?" I ask.

"Oh, I cut it. Does it look okay?" Bucky asked.

"You look great" I say.

"Good. I was thinking about cutting it for a while but didn't know how it would look" Bucky said and I smiled.

"It looks wonderful" I say and he smiles. I connect our lips and he pulls me closer to him, smiling into the kiss. I pull back and smile "What's Loki doing?" I ask.

"Oh, he's changing into his suit" Bucky said.

"Wait, I need to get my necklace" I say, turning back to the room.

I went towards my necklace but I screamed and fell to the floor in fear. Moments later someone burst into the room.

"Doll, what's happened?" Bucky asked and came to me.

"There... there's a..." is all I'm able to get out and point to a massive spider on the floor.

Spider! No spider! Spider scary.

It's okay, Morgan.

"Are you really scared of a spider? Of all things, you're afraid of spiders?" Bucky asked, chuckling a little.

"If you love me you, will get rid of the demon" I say and he starts laughing.

"Okay okay" Bucky said and helped me up.

"And, I swear to god, if you put that thing anywhere near me, I will not hesitate to hit you" I say.

"You know what, maybe I'll wait a little while. I'm a little tired. I love you" Bucky says and leaves the room.

"BUCKY!" I yell and the spider starts coming towards me.

I shriek and start flying. I think of the person Bucky would get pissed at the most.

"FRED!" I yelled and it echoed through the house.

After a while, Bucky comes in the room.

"You know what, you're my wife. I should be taking care of you" Bucky says and picks up the spider.

"Yeah, only when your jealous" I say.

Bucky put the spider out the window and I gracefully land, my feet gently touching the floor.

"Better?" Bucky asked.

"Much" I say and Fred comes in the doorway.

"Did you call me? I heard someone shout my name really loudly" Fred said.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks but it's okay now" I say and he smiles.

"Alright" he says and leaves.

"I'm going downstairs" I say and Bucky nods his head.

I quickly grab my necklace and put it on before I head to the stairs and start walking down. I get to the bottom and see George standing there. Ginny and Harry pull apart and look at him.

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