Chapter 1: The road home

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Everyone knew.

And i mean everyone.

Kaylee was being given sympathetic and worrying stares by everyone she passed on the way to her compartment.

'Can i help you?' she snapped as she passed a group of staring ravenclaw girls who were in her year, clearly gossiping away about the news.

She wasn't usually this rude but it was clear that her break up with Cedric took a toll on her personality. The once happy and full of laughter girl had been replaced with a broken hearted teenager who couldn't stand another 'Im sorry' or 'It gets better' comment from any of her classmates.

It was clear to everyone that in the past summer Kaylee had gone through some serious changes (you know , the usual post breakup stuff) her once dark blonde locks were now long , silky and a deep shade of chocolate brown. Her cheekbones have become more defined and her face more framed. And for these reasons she was getting not only sympathetic stares but looks of awe from the vast majority of the boys.

As soon as she reached the compartment, she was attacked by her friend who she hadn't really stayed in contact with recently.

'YOU BITCH' Sienna yelled after hugging her.

'Woah calm down' kaylee replied recovering from the shock she had just experienced.

'Going off the grid for the whole summer? Not updating your best friend once?' She challenged, crossing her arms over her chest.

'Look, im sorry i was just in my own world' Kaylee explained.

'As much as I understand that you have recently been cheated on, it does not give you the right to leave ME thinking you're dead for a month and a half' said the blonde girl back. 'But I must say the whole post dick boyfriend glowup hit you like a rock' as she examined her best friend causing kaylee to roll her eyes.

'The train is about to leave, help me with my bags so then you can catch me up with all the drama I missed , okay?' she said as she struggled to lift her bags up onto the railing.

"FINE" sienna said excitedly, as much as she worried over the summer about her friend she couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness that kaylee had started to go back to her usual self.

And with that the two girls we are headed back Hogwarts for their sixth year.

About and hour into the journey to the wizarding school , kaylee needed the toilet. The corridor of the train was practically empty now that everyone had greeted their friends and setttled in their compartments. She didn't hesitate on her way as she knew the only questions she would get asked would be to do with how she's dealing with her heartbreak, and to be completely honest, she couldn't really care less about what happened in the previous year.

Cedric was an ass.

There was no more to it. However she was in no position so go anywhere near that horrible ravenclaw girl, cho.As far as kaylee was aware they had been sneaking around behind her back for a month until she finally walked in on them kissing in the hufflpuff common rooms. Oh and maybe i forgot to mention, on her birthday.

But what she didn't know yet was that it was a blessing in disguise.


Hii , i was very nervous to post this and really hope that if anyone's reading this they liked it :)))

please vote it would mean a lot :))

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