Chapter 38: Skinny Dipping

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The next few weeks carried on as normal, nothing much was happening around school apart from the tournament, which seemed to be the only thing everyone was focusing on.

The end of the year was coming closer and so was the final task, it was daunting for the champions as none of them would have any idea what it would be until the evening before.

I had been trying my very hardest to take Harry and Cedrics mind off it when i was with them as the last thing i wanted was for them both to worry too much and forget to have fun at the end of the year, however i was just as worried as them, i had a bad feeling about the last task, i didn't tell anyone else as i didn't want to start drama, but i was looking forward for the whole thing to be over.

Things with Fred were going well, i slept in his room almost every night, so my sleeping patterns had dramatically improved, mainly because he has very strong arms and a tight grip around my waist every single morning so I've grown to give up and fall back asleep.

Me and Rylee did practically everything together, i had moved away from Fred to sit next to her in lessons as i knew our time together was limited and i didn't want to waste any of it.

At the last meal i had with my dad, me and harry told him everything about the second task, and he was rather exited and proud at the fact that both of us managed to do something dramatic.

I had also filled him in with everything that happened with cedric and how now he was actually one of my closest friends now that he had apologised and we had both moved on from what happened when we were together, he wasn't completely convinced at first but when i told him that Fred had even become friends with him he loosened up abit, he had also seemed to have warmed up to the thought of Fred being my boyfriend.

Todays classes had been extremely tiring so me an Rylee had decided to take a nap together in the common rooms in front of the fire, we did this a lot when we couldn't sleep, we gathered all of our blankets and pillows and lay them nicely by the flames, then we would cuddle up with each other and drift off eventually after hours of talking.

She had invited me to stay at her manor in America in one of the school holidays, i was extremely looking forward to this as i had always wanted to go and travel there, she lived in a town in Connecticut, not too far from New York, her family was extremely wealthy, which although was a good thing, she explained to me that it had never really felt like a family and that she always seemed to disappoint her parents by not living up to their impossible standards.

I did feel bad for her, we had spoken about how when we leave school next year, she should move to London with me and we could buy a flat together an get jobs in Diagon alley, then we would marry the twins and start a big happy family, it all seemed perfect, too perfect.

'Kaylee' Rylee spoke whilst staring into the fire.

'Yes ry'

'I only have six days left' she said sadly as i turned to face her

'Can we please not talk about that' i say with a frown

'I just think we should do something big'

'like what?' i ask

'I'm not sure... just something that would be a good way to end things'

'You wanna go skinny dipping?' i ask with a smirk

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