Chapter 46: School Supplies

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The next few weeks were a lot calmer at Grimmauld place.

Being back with harry, had really brought me the peace i needed, and he had felt the same way.

Cedrics death had affected both of us a lot, he had to witness it, completely unable to help, and i had to suffer the aftermath of a huge part of my life gone.

Having him there, and him being able to explain in depth the events of that night, gave me the closure that i needed to be able to move on with my life.

I would never forget him, but i cant spend forever reminiscing about his loss, there would always be a special place in my heart for him, however my mind needed to remain positive in order for me to live.

At first, i thought that spending the Summer with the Weasleys wouldn't help my situation, and would stress me out. However it was the complete opposite, they were more than a distraction, they were a reminder that there is still happiness left in life, i had started eating regularly and had put on some of the weight i had lost so i looked much healthier than i did before, i was able to get out of bed each day and usually sleep at night.

I did have nightmares quite frequently, the scene of his lifeless body re playing in my head, but having harry or Fred wake me up and reassure me that everything's okay now and that I'm safe, made me able to doze back off.

Harry had been having nightmares too, however his were of Voldemort's return.

The order and Dumbledore were extremely shocked an outraged when they heard what we did, they had an emergency meeting to discuss whether Harry should be sent back to his aunts or to stay with us until school started.

Dumbledore was very firm on the idea of him going back to privet drive, and it took a lot of persuasion from me, Mr and Mrs Weasley, Lupin, Sirius and Tonks to let him stay.

Mooney and i had fixed harry up his own room, just across from mine. He was beyond thrilled when we showed it to him and couldn't stop thanking us, however even though he now had his own double bed, it didn't stop us from sleeping next to each other to support both of us through the nights.

Hermione had arrived a few days ago, and was very supportive in helping me and harry. Her and Ginny had moved into the twin bedroom so that there was enough space for everybody in the house.

I'd usually sneak out of bed and go and sleep with either Fred or Harry most night, sometimes harry would end up in my room, however Fred was banished from my bed.

The members of the order had grown a strong liking to me apparently, according to them, my strong temper and ability to argue makes me a great asset, even though i wasn't officially in the organisation yet. Even mad eye had developed a soft spot for me, which had surprised a lot of the others as he had never really bothered in liking kids.

Sirius was eager for me to join, however Lupin decided that they should wait until i graduate.

Kingsley had filled me in on stories about the muggle Priminister and what's happening their end, apparently they had noticed that something dark had been going on and that things are changing quite rapidly.

War was inevitable.

In the day time, we spent it playing games, messing about, annoying the adults and working on the joke shop.

The twins had sorted out the finance side of things and their plans were becoming more and more realistic each day.

I was overwhelmed with pride for both of the boys, i had always known that they'd be able to do it ever since Fred told me when we first got to know each other, but to see their dreams in the making added another spark to their eyes.

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