chapter 2: dementors

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On her way to the toilet, her thoughts were interrupted by a tall redheaded boy who was leaning on the side of a compartment door.

'Shit im sorry' Kaylee stated quickly after realising it was her fault that she bumped into him.

'Don't worry about it' He replied, his hand on her shoulder as he steadied her.

Kaylee hadn't properly looked up his face until now to realise he was one of the famous Weasley twins, she used to be quite close with the two before her fourth year at Hogwarts, when cedric and her became an item.

You'd either have to be blind, or just an idiot to not find the pair extremely attractive. They had rock hard bodies, an addictive personality and a smirk that would make anyone fall to their knees.

As the twin boy began to speak, there was an outburst of gasps coming from the students, the air turned cold and the lights flickered off, everyone suddenly realising the train had come to a sudden stop. It was simply not possible that they could've already arrived at the school, so there was a sense of confusion amongst everybody.

That's when she saw them.


'Come with me' said the boy as he grabbed the girls hand and led her into the nearest compartment.

There was little to no light in the train any more but she felt pair of hands guide her to the seat, she could feel the goosebumps spread across her body she had yet to have changed into her school robes, the boy had obviously realised as he reached an arm across her shoulder and moved her close to his chest. She felt a sense of safety as she tucked her chin into his shoulder and waited for the disturbance to hopefully pass.

After about three minutes, although it felt longer to Kaylee, the lights flickered and came back on and the cold air had seemed to of vanished.

'Are you okay?' asked the boy with a weird expression on his face.

'Yeah, that was weird' she replied warmly as she looked around her to see four other gryffindors sat in the compartment.

She recognised them all as she had spent the last four years in the same house as them.

Besides, everyone knew about the trios adventures and many battles againts people contantly trying to kill Harry Potter.

'Kayleigh!' she heard a voice exclaim as a pair of arms embraced her.

'Hey Hermione' kaylee replied as she was reunited with her study buddy and close friend. The bushy haired girl had always been advanced in learning and although the girl was two years younger, she had spent many hours in the library studying with kaylee.

After a moment of silence, another red headed boy spoke up.

'So how are you.. after what went down with Cedric?' she looked to see that Ron Weasley was looking at her awkwardly after Hermione had nudged him in the shoulder as it was clear that the break up was still fresh and he probably shouldn't have said anything.

She fell all five faces turn to look at her as although they didn't say, they were all curious.

'If your referring to Cedric, I'm fine...just had enough off all the whispering and stares' She replied, rolling her eyes.

'He's a dick' said a voice next to her.

'Agreed, i mean cheating on you?' said another voice next to her.

She looked beside her self to realise that she'd been sandwiched in between Fred and George Weasley, although she didn't know which she laughed at both of their comments.

'I'm sorry but which is which?' said kaylee as she glanced between both faces. It had been a good few years since she had properly looked at the twins, and it was no secret that they had changed appearance a fair amount.

'George' said the one on her right.

'Fred' said the one on her left.

She looked up and smiled at Fred, as he was the one who helped her into the compartment. The two held eye contact and she couldn't help but feel a sense of attachment to those deep brown eyes.

The moment was interrupted by Hermione 'Your new hair looks great by the way, dark brown is definitely your colour'

'Thanks! I guess I just wanted a change, I should probably go and change before we reach school, but thanks Fred it was nice to see you guys again'

'Hold on' His voice called out, standing up beside her.

'Your going to the Hufflepuff party tonight right?' Fred asked.

'I was actually thinking about skipping that' Kaylee admitted.

Fred chuckled 'Well i hope you rethink that' He told her.

Her parted lips curled into a subtle smirk, slowly turning around and walking away, deciding that making an appearance later would be something that she would consider.

As she walked into the great hall for the first time this school year she felt a number of faces turn towards her, cursing to herself about always being late. She looked towards the Gryffindor table and saw a pair of redheads wave to her, she smiled she walked towards the two.

'Room for one more?'' she said as she sat down next to who she was pretty sure was Fred.

'Always' He replied, his gaze lingering for a second before he turned to face the front of the hall where the headmaster had begun to make his speech.

'As I'm sure you're all aware the disturbance on the train this afternoon was not a normal event, it was indeed dementors' As the head master said this there was a wave of whispers throughout the school hall, 'They were there on ministry business, looking for no other than Sirius Black" this time the whispers turned into voices as Kaylee glanced around to see many scared faces.

"BOO" came a voice next to her ear and she jumped from her seat in terror, her eyes wide as she whacked his shoulder.

'Fred!!' she exclaimed as she calmed herself down.

'Just trying to defuse the tension' he responded as he sent her a cheeky grin.

A few hours later the girls were back in their dorms. Unpacking and getting ready for the party tonight, there was definitely different themes with different house parties, Hufflepuffs were usually packed with alcohol, which was surprising as some of the members don't seem like the type to drink. Gryffindor's (her house) were incredibly loud and involved many drinking games. Ravenclaws were just your average party, fun, drunken and a good time. All I have to say about slytherin is drugs.

The girl was unsure on what to wear but decided on a little black dress, mainly because she was trying to grab as many boys attention as she could, although she was only really interested in one.


She curled the ends of her hair and put on a small amount of make up as she was already blessed with natural beauty, and she was ready.

It was 9:50 so she still had time and decided to read for half an hour and she knew to never arrive early for a party.

Although she was nervous, excitement overshadowed it as he had a feeling this year was going to be like no other, even if there is a mass murderer on the loose.

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