Chapter 25: Night Disturbances

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Back in the tent, the celebrations were far from finished, and from the noise that the other Irish supporters were making across the campsites, the feelings were mutual.

Kaylee was sat on one of the benches with Harry, drinking fire whiskey with the twins, as they were the only three that were a legal age and Mr and Mrs Weasley didn't want the younger kids drinking.

Although the girl wasn't drunk, she was starting to feel rather tipsy as she watched the others mess abut in the tent.

The twins were running around making a whistling sound as Ron was fangirling over the famous Bulgarian seeker.

'There's no one like Krum!' he chanted whilst stepping onto the table in the centre of the tent.

'He's like a bird the way he rides the wind!' he continues as his older brothers flap their arms around mockingly, sending Kaylee and the girls into heaps of laughter.

'He's more than an athlete...he's an artist!' he roared  still parading on the table.

'Think your in love Ron?' Kaylee teased causing harry to double over laughing as Ron told her to shut up.

'Victor i love youuu' George sings

'Victor i doooo' Fred adds

'WHEN WERE APART MY HEART BEATS ONLY FOR YOUU' the rest of us join in dramatically.

As we carried on singing, the noise coming from outside increased significantly.

'Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on' Fred says

'STOP...its not the Irish' Mr Weasley says sternly as he holds onto Ginny 'we've got to get out of here now'

There's silence in the tent as everyone starts to panic.

We rush outside and are faced with horror. Fire everywhere, smoke clouding up our senses, and thousands of men, women and children running away from what seemed to be hooded figures.

The three instantly sobered up.

'Fred, George, Ginny and Kaylee are your responsibility! stick together and get back to the portkey' Arthur yelled as George scooped Ginny into his arms and Fred held on tightly to Kaylee.


We ran as fast as we possibly could towards the forest, dodging the flames and burnt down tents and trees.

I had lost sight of the younger three and stared to panic, Fred held me tightly with his hand whilst he gripped his wand with the other.

'Hermione!' i scream as i catch a glimpse of the girl once we near the safety of the forest

'Kaylee! is Harry with you?' She asks stressfully

' i though he was with you' i say panicking as i stare into the burnt down remains of the campsite.


I pull away from freds tight grip, and sprint back into the field, in the last direction i remember seeing him.

'KAYLEE!' i hear Fred yell from behind me, but it was too late, i had already disappeared into the smoke.

I kept running, looking for any sign of the boy.

'HARRY?' i yell repeatedly as tears start to form on my smoke stained face.

There were cuts on my knees and scarped across my legs from running.

I start to desperately yell, now unsure of what direction i came in.

I heard a distant sound of coughing coming from the area behind me.

'Kay' a muffled voice murmurs, i knew exactly who it belonged to, i grabbed my want out of my jacket and held it up ready just in case.

'Harry' i say as i crouch on the ground to where he was laying, 'Thank god your okay' i hug him tightly as he wraps his arms around my shoulders.

'Kay. . . There was this man..i couldn't see him exactly.. but he was in my dream. and he casted the spell-' harry said shakily before we were interrupted my a loud cracking sound and red sparks being shot from different directions.

'You've been discovered on the scene of the crime!' crouch yells, pointing his wand at us.

'Stop, there my kids!' Arthur shouts as he appears next to me and harry

'Which one of you was it?' he demanded, nodding towards the dark mark in the sky.

'Are you mentally deranged?' i shout taking him and the other ministry members by surprise.

'Was it you! or you Mr potter?' he said rudely still not lowering his wand

'Oh yeah because harry would definitely serve the guy who murdered  his parents, smart one you are' i say sarcastically whilst rolling my eyes

'And who are you?' crouch asked, offended by my tone.

'Kaylee Black' i say confidently shooting him a glare

'As in Sirius black?' he asked nervously as his grip on his wand became tighter

'bingo' i remark 'you know the innocent guy you locked away for 12 years, leaving me to grow up without a dad?'

'ring any bells' i push as he took a step back and flinches as i walk towards him.

There was an uneasy silence as i stood there staring at him with my arms crossed, until there was a distant sound causing crouch and the other members to head off.

'Harry, are you okay?' i say once they had left as they boy clutches his scar in pain.

I watch him sympathetically, desperate to help him but i knew there was nothing that i could do.

'Harry, Kaylee!' Hermione's voice yells as she runs towards us.

I turn to face her but get quickly stopped by a tall figure grabbing me and pulling me into there arms.

'Do you have a bloody death wish or something?' Fred says sternly as he looks down on me.

'I found harry' i say sheepishly with a small grin

'Don't you dare do that again' he replies seriously as he pulls me back into his arms.

'Freddie I'm okay' i whisper whilst throwing my arms round his neck and running my fingers through his hair.

'Come on, lets go home' Mr Weasley instructs whilst staring up at the sky.

We all knew what it meant, we just couldn't admit it.

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