Chapter 24: The Quidditch World Cup

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'This way kids!' Mr Weasley yelled as he marched away, winding past many different tents and groups of people.

I looked around my surrounding in awe, there was music blasting loudly, people dancing and celebrating, lots of different markets and stands selling everything from merchandise to food and everyone was wearing a huge smile on their faces.

It really is an amazing experience.

I looked up at the sky, to see hundreds of wizards and witches flying on their broomsticks and weaving in-between crowds, it was remarkable.

'Duck' i say quickly to George

'Wha-' he replies as i yank his arm down, pulling his body with him just in time as a broomstick plummets through, trying to avoid as many people as possible.

'Oh thanks kay' he says as he realised what my intentions were, and had saved him from getting impaled by a quidditch player.

We carried on walking through the field for a little while longer until we came to an abrupt stop at a tiny tent that looked as if it could just about fit one person.

I looked at Fred with confusion in my eyes, however he didn't seem a tiny bit concerned about the size of the tent compared to the number of people that had to sleep inside.

'In you go girls, ladies first' Arthur says as he ushered me , Ginny and Hermione inside.

My eye lids grew wide and my jaw dropped to the floor.

We were most certainly not in the same tent as they had just walked in to.

This wouldn't even be considered as a tent, there were about 8 different beds, a family sized kitchen, a comfortable looking lounge with a fireplace and what looked to be at least three bathrooms.

'Pick a bunk girls' Arthur said as he set his bags down on a hammock and started to take off his coat.

Me and harry were still stood near the entrance, speechless at how divine the tent was.

'Well, you don't see this everyday do you?' he sighs excitedly

'Oh sure you do, your just used to closets and cupboards' i reply teasingly, not taking my eyes of the details and quality of the tents structure, ignoring his death glare.

I walk over to where the other two girls were fighting over who gets top bunk and laughing loudly, i smiled to myself as i had realised that id missed my friends a lot more than i thought i did.

'Get out of the kitchen Ron! were all hungry' Mr Weasley shouted

'Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron' the twins repeated whilst putting there feet up

'Feet off the table!' Mr Weasley said to them

'FEET OF THE TABLE' they replied simultaneously

'Kaylee, your on the middle' Ginny said as i placed my bag on the floor beside the three layered bunk beds.

Ginny had climbed to the top and was pulling out various items from her bag

'What are you guys going to wear?' she asked, peering down on us below her.

'This' i say and point to what i already had on

'Only you would wear a summer dress to a quidditch game' she laughed whilst shaking her head.

'What's wrong with my dress?' i say defensively an raised an eyebrow at the girl.

'Kay, its going to be dark and cold' Hermione replies as she pulls out a pair of jeans from her bag.

'Well, i have my new jacket to keep me warm, and ill look nice in photos' i exclaim with grin

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