Chapter 16: Moonlight

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We spent practically every minute of every day together, both of us trying to ignore the topic of not seeing each other's faces for a month, in reality he would be able to visit me but I had this feeling in my stomach that something was going to happen. Something terrible.

We stayed up at night in the common room sat by the fire just talking- well talking and making out but mainly talking. We had both grown to know practically everything about each other, from my favourite colours to some of our deepest darkest secrets. Fred was the only person in this world that knew about the situation i grew up in, he also knew that the strong fronts I put up every day isn't really me, and I just prefer to hide my emotions and use humour as a coping mechanism.

He told me a lot about himself as well, how although he doesn't show it he's terrified of becoming the family's disappointment because of his brothers working abroad or in the ministry and how his mom doesn't support his and George is true desires for their future.

We had also been making plans for the future, nothing serious or anything as we weren't even an official couple yet- although I am glad that we've been taking it slow as I think it's pretty clear that I have developed some kind of commitment and trust issues from my past relationship- but we have been talking about the summer and what activities we should get up to, he told me about the Lake near his house well that goes swimming, and all the quidditch they played in there pitch that they had created in the field next to their house, I was also excited to go to the nearest small village as Freddie told me there are lots of cute shops but I was mainly excited for the ice cream shop I had been told about.

And even though I would miss Fred terribly whilst I was working, I couldn't hide that I was excited to start my new position, it felt like the first step to me becoming an adult which is something I've wanted for a while now, as much as I enjoy being childish and pulling pranks with the Twins and I can guarantee I won't be stopping that anytime soon, but I can't wait to have the relief of being able to look after myself and not giving my mother and step dad the satisfaction of them having to look after me.

My new uniform had arrived by owl a few days ago and I was extremely eager to try it on to show my friends. I climbed out of bed and went over to the Brown paper package that was wrapped and sitting on top of my chest of draws. I had an idea of what the uniforms looked like as I take a note when the other waitress had had served me at the pub, and she must admit they were very nice. The package contained a short black pencil skirt and some kind of apron belt that was slightly shorter than the skirt, it also had a few white collared polo shirts that would be tucked in to make it more feminine, in the letter from the owner it said......

Dear Kaylee Evans,

We are extremely excited to have you join the team here at the three broomsticks for majority of the summer Holidays. we hope that the uniform is substantial and Please note to bring changes of tights as we do not supply them. you will find that also in the package is your room key and schedule of the week that includes the hours you should be working and pay you should be receiving. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Dearest regards,

The three broomsticks inn - Hogsmeade village

I unfolded the uniform and began to get dressed into it as I knew that Hermione, Angie, Alicia Ann Katie was hoping they'd see me in it before they go as they all shared my excitement of my new job.

Once I had put everything on, I went to the mirror to take a look up myself, I loved it.

Well, that was an understatement, it was comfortable, free, part of my new job and looked hot as hell.

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