Chapter 56: Nightmares

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'stop, please stop' i cried

The pain was worse than i could've ever imagined, searing through my body and destroying everything i had once loved.

'I'll never stop' the voice screamed back, finding the situation humorous as i struggled under their control.

I screamed.

I didn't stop screaming.

'Fred!' i yelled, wishing that someone would save me from this torture.

My lungs grew weak.

My throat grew dry.

I could see death on the horizon.

The witch laughed again, lowering her wand, giving me time to breath.

Although i wished she didn't.

She only stopped so that she could carry on agonizing me, if she continued I'd be dead in the next few seconds.

'you brought this upon yourself' she taunted, walking around me with wicked grin on her face, her pupils wide , madness feeding all her senses.



I woke up, the room was nearly pitch black, apart from the moonlight shining in through the window, giving a view of the silhouetted hills.

I brought a hand up to my face, rubbing my eyes and sighing, i stopped once i heard muffled noises.

I furrowed by brows, looking down to my chest and my heart stopped.

The small girl was shaking, flinching as tears spilled from her eyes.

Her body was shivering, but she still had a thin layer of sweat on her forehead.

She began to cry louder, although they weren't cries of sadness.

They were purely fear and pain.

I sat up quickly, taking her into my arms.

'shh, shh' i whispered, trying to wake her up and relieve her from her dark dreams.

'Darling, wake up, your okay'

I shook her lightly.

Her eyes snapped open, her body jolting up and looking around in fear.

I placed my arm around her, but she flinched, her eyes met mine, tears still falling from her eyes.

It hurt me to see her flinch, but i knew that i wasn't the cause and that she was just recovering from a nightmare.

'Your okay, your safe, im right here baby'

She gripped onto my arm, her breathing still fast.

I picked her up and placed her on my lap, holding her in my arms.

'It's just a nightmare my love' I reassured, watching her intently, worry filling my heart.

She squeezed her eyes shut, but opening them quickly, her breathing quickening again, i wasn't sure what she had seen, but I sure did have some ideas.

All i wanted was for her to calm down.

I knew she was exhausted and it pained me that she was unable to rest.

'Play with my rings' i say, pushing my hands into hers.

I remebered how often she used to do this, before she went to sleep, when we woke up, on the train, and maybe it would help.

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