Chapter 64: Revenge

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'So what was new York like?' Ginny asked her hundredth question excitedly.

'Amazing, think Diagon alley times a thousand' i replied, sitting beside fred on the sofa in front of the fire at the burrow.

The evening had came, and now that i was slightly more rested, i decided that it would be a better time than any to answer all of the questions that people had for me.

The rest of the friends and family that were joining us for Christmas had arrived, Lupin and dad, tonks, bill and George were all now sitting together or in the kitchen helping Mrs Weasley with dinner preparations for tomorrow.

'Did you go shopping?' Hermione asked

'Yeah, a lot of shopping' i laughed, very amused at how intrigued the girls were.

'Did you get us anything?' gin asked, raising an eyebrows in hope.

'Maybe, but your going to have to wait until Christmas'

'How's Hogwarts?' i ask as i take a sip from the firewhiskey i had been holding captive for a while now.

'Won won's got himself a girlfriend' Ginny blurted out.

My eyes snapped to meet a very red faced Ron, who looked as if he wanted the earth to suck him into a deep deep whole.

'Won won? what the hell is that?'

'It's his new pet name, rather charming don't you think?' Hermione rolled her eyes, sending me a she's annoying look.

'Well... it certainly sounds interesting' i laugh, drinking some more firewhiskey

'Hermione what happened with that guy who had his eyes on you?' i ask, winking in her direction to tell her i had a plan, knowing that it would drive Ron crazy.

'Who has his eyes on Hermione?' he quickly asked, sitting up from his crouched position.

'Well there's a quite a few at the minute' Ginny piped in, catching onto my tactic.

'You cant blame them though can you?' harry added, knowing full well about the situation.

Hermione's cheeks went pink, but i could tell she was biting back a smile.

I laughed and took anther large sip from my cup, rolling my head back onto freds shoulder as he held my bent knees into his.

'You've got to slow down, you know you and whiskey don't agree with each other' fred chuckled.

'It makes my throat warm' I mutter, followed by a hiccup.

All of a sudden I start crying with laughter, a usual occurrence for when i drink.

'Oh dear here we go' tonks said, grinning at my state

'I'm good, I'm good' I say, taking a breath to calm me down.

Ginny had started laughing as well, rolling her head back on the sofa.

'Okay everybody, it's getting late, we'll be heading off now' lupin called as he and my father stood at the door with their coats on.

'Will i see you tomorrow?' i ask, stumbling up and making my way over.

'Yes you will, we'll head here around midday' dad smiled, taking me in for  hug.

'Okay good' i reply, moving on to hug my godfather goodbye as well.

The door opened, Remus stood out there, i was still holding onto his shoulder whilst the nights winter breeze hit my skin.

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