Chapter 8: Home to the burrow

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Kaylee had spent the last day in the infirmary as she had still not been discharged my Madame Pompfrey, Kaylee was desperate to leave as Christmas eve was tomorrow and they were supposed to be getting the train to the burrow in only a short few hours.

Fred had been her main visitor in her stay in the ward, and she must admit, he was exceptionable company. They had been talking about what they can do over break and she had been trying to memorize all of his family's names.

It was around 2pm and the two of them were sat in the bed and talking about Fred and Georges joke shop ideas, Kaylee loved seeing him talk about it, his eyes lit up and you could tell just how passionate he was about it. She got the impression that the twins were seen as the 'disappointment' of the family as Fred had told her that Molly would much rather prefer them to get respectable jobs in the ministry like there elder brother Percy- who she had already been warned to not bring up over dinner.

The reason why she had been kept here for longer than usual, was that the affects of her concussion had not fully gone, she kept on passing out at random times and according the nurse she was a 'hazard' to those around her when she was still in this state. Kaylee and Fred did not understand this so they took the approach of annoying her so much that she would eventually get sick of them and agree to let her go back to the common room to get ready to leave. Eventually she gave in and told her to take this potion with her in case she passed out again.

Kaylee was beyond exited for the winter break, she ran through the hallways and practically busted through the portrait.

'I'm back' she said with a smile

'Fred you have got to be kidding me' Hermione said with a very stern expression on her face

'What's happened now?' Kaylee asked as she looked towards the group of Gryffindor's sat on the couch.

'Freddie here has been trying to convince us that you were dead' Hermione said as she stared through Fred's soul.

'Dead? Really' she replied with confused expression on her face

'I thought it would be funny' he said trying to hold in his laughter along with George

'Unbelievable' as she shook her head and playfully nudged the twins.

'right I'm going to shower quickly before we have to leave, ill be back in about an hour' said Kaylee as she climbed up the steps towards her dorm.

The train ride home seemed to be going smoothly until there was a knock on their compartment door, she was sat with the twins, Ron, lee, Hermione, harry and Ginny. Kaylee and the girls were chatting away about their plans for the holidays whilst lee and the twins were talking about the joke shop and new products.

'Um ... Kaylee' a muffled voice said and she looked to see Ron with a mouthful of food, pointing towards the compartment door.

It was cedric.

'What do you want' she asked as she opened her book and tried to distract herself.

'I need to speak to you'

'Then speak' she replied still reading


'Anything you need to say to me you can say in front of them, right guys'

Cedric turned to look at the others who all looked like they were extremely uncomfortable with the situation they'd been put in, all apart from Ginny who was finding it quite amusing.

'Fine' he replied reluctantly 'I'm sorry'

She didn't say anything.

'Kaylee?' he asked

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