Chapter 55: Awake

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My eyes opened.

I felt weird.

Like i had been sleeping for an eternity but still exhausted.

I took in my surroundings, i wasn't in school.

Why wasn't i in school?

Instead i was in Fred and Georges old room at the burrow.

Why was i here?

And then it hit me.

My memories came flooding back from that night.

Everything from Fred leaving.

The letter.

The ministry.

The death Eaters.

The prophecy.



I felt a twinge of pain as i remembered the agony i felt when she used the unforgivable curse on me, shivers running down my spine at the thought of it.

My mind went to my dad.

Did he get hit by the spell?

Was he alive?

Was he okay?

Where was harry?

Where was Fred?

I had so many questions that needed answers.

I stood up from where i was sleeping, noticing the various pieces of clothing, sprawled on the floor, they were freds clothes.

Without thinking of anything else, i began walking towards the door.

My head was heavy and i felt a searing pain in my legs as i took each step.

I ignored it.

I needed to know if my dad was alive.

My heart was beating fast, so fast that i was certain it would break.

Everything started to get too much.

I heard voices from downstairs, but i couldn't quite make out who their owners were.

I felt another pain on my head, i reached my hand up and was rather surprised to feel a scab, around the size of a coin, placed on my forehead.

I racked my brain for any remembrance of how i got it, but i couldn't think straight.

I carried on walking down the stairs, gripping onto the rail to steady myself as my legs were too weak support me alone.

I reached downstairs, my eyes scrunched as i tried to figure out where the voices were coming from, the sunlight beaming in through the windows, the fresh breeze hitting my skin.

My pace quickened as i entered the kitchen, i was extremely startled when i heard a gasp and a crashing noise, making me whip my head around and meet eyes with a shocked Molly Weasley.

'Kaylee my dear!' she exclaimed, rushing forwards and embracing me into her famous motherly hug.

'Mrs Weasley ... my dad ... is he- where is he-is he ok?' i stuttered, my heart racing and my fingers shaking.

'Shush sweetheart, its okay, your okay' she coed, stroking my back and wiping away her teary eyes.

'Kaylee?' a voice called.

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