Part 7: Quidditch pt2

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'Evans!' a voice yelled causing the girl to moan and turn over in bed.

She was not a morning person.

'Right that's it' but before she could look to see who was waking her up, she felt two pairs of muscular arms lift her off the bed.

'HELP!' the girl yelled but no one came to her rescue.

When she had finally opened her eyes and looked around she saw the all to familiar redheads staring down at her with a grin.

'quidditch practice in 10' George replied.

'Ugh, fuck off'

The girl had suddenly become quite aware of what she had been wearing, a baggy oversized t-shirt and a pair of black lace panties.

Before the twins left, Fred reached down to her ear.

'I like this look' he whispered with a wink before catching up with his other half.

Kaylee felt her cheeks blush as she watched them leave, how did they even get in here she thought to herself as she made her way to the bathroom. She washed her face and brushed her hair and teeth, her curls had dropped leaving her with light waves so she decided to leave them like that. As she walked to her bed she noticed a red uniform folded on her sheets, she had kind of forgotten what she was signing herself up for.

But what the team didn't know was that the girl was extremely talented on the pitch.

Once she had gotten changed, she quickly made her way to the pitch as she had no time for breakfast. When she got to the changing rooms, nearly everyone was there and she was relieved she wasn't the only late one.

'Kaylee!' Wood cried as she rested her broomstick on the bench.

'Is that- is that a firebolt!?' he said as his eyes widened towards her broom.

'Uh yeah it is' she said awkwardly at Oliver's sudden change of moods.

'So you can play then?' he asked as he was clearly calming down.

'Prehaps' she replied with a grin

'Hey is kayl- whoa .... nice broom' said a voice standing in the doorway , she looked to see Fred dressed in his uniform, he looked good.

Really fucking good.

'So how come you haven't tried out before now?' Katie bell, another chaser , asked,

'Cedric said it would hurt our relationship and i get pretty competitive so he told me to just watch' She replied in an akward laugh, tying her hair up in a bun.

'Kaylee... i love you' she was surprised to be embraced by the captain but just laughed it off.

She glanced to the door to see Fred with an uncomfortable expression on his face, she could of sworn that it was a hint of jealousy but she couldn't be sure.

After a very successful practice, the team retreated back to the changing rooms to get ready for the match, they had around 20 minutes until the game started so she went and sat with the twins.

'Nervous?' George asked

'Kind of yeah' She admitted.

'You shouldn't be, your by far the best chaser out there' Fred said as he hugged her shoulders into his chest.

'Thanks Freddie' she laughed

'Just make sure i don't get hit with a bludger and ill be fine, maybe aim them at a certain Hufflepuff' she joked

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