Chapter 36: Stress

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The Christmas break had come and gone, and the school term had resumed.

After the night of the Yule ball, i had had another screaming fit at Ron for how he ruined Hermione's right, i may have mentioned a few things about him being a jealous prick that needs to sort himself out and pluck up the courage to do something about his love for Hermione instead of watching her spend time with boys who actually have the balls to ask her out.

And as you can imagine, he didn't take it very well.

Instead of accepting the fact that everyone knew that he liked her, he kept on denying it and turning a bright shade of red and storming off.

I spent the rest of the night in the common rooms with Rylee and Hermione, we just sat around the fire and talked for hours.

All in all, i had an amazing night.

All in all, i had an amazing night

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(wearing something like this)

But now school had started again, i was swamped with work and having to spend pretty much all my free time in the library, buried in books.

Fred came and watched me study, i had tried convincing him to revise as well but he was adamant in not.

'Fred, your taking theses test next year as well' i say with a sigh as i throw the book back on the table with a sigh.

'I don't need the tests, we have other plans' he replies with a grin as he watches me stress about homework.

'Ugh' i scoff and grab my potions notes from my bag.

'Kaylee?' a voice asked from the bookshelves beside us, i whip my head around to see Cedric standing with his DADA notes.

'Oh hey ced' i reply whilst pulling out my other books.

'Hello Fred' he greets kindly

'Cedric' he nods back

Although they still don't exactly see eye-to-eye, they have started to tolerate each other.

'Studying?' i ask

'Yep' he sighs

'So are we, you can join if you like' i say with a smile as Fred kicks me under the table.

'Are you sure?' he questions whilst looking at Fred with his eyebrows raised.

'yeah of course, right Fred?' i say and kick him back

'Yeah sure, no problem' he forces out

'Okay great, as long as Kaylee doesn't throw any books' he laughs as Fred joins him

'No promises, she's started to aim for heads' Fred says back to the Hufflepuff boy

'I don't throw books' i scoff and stare between the two

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