Chapter 9: Diagon Alley

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'Fucking hell guys'

I awoke with a loud snapping sound of a camera, my eyes shot open to see my younger siblings and twin standing over me with a polaroid in hand. I looked down to my chest to see Kaylee lying there peacefully.

'Shush, you'll wake her up' i said sternly to my family.

'So thats why Kaylee wasn't there this morning huh' Hermione said as she walked down stairs.

'Mums taking us to Diagon alley this morning to get butterbeer and stuff for tomorrow' Ron said.

I was about to reply when i felt a stir coming from the beautiful girl that was was currently using me as a pillow. Her eyes fluttered open and a confused expression was plastered on her face


(Kaylee's pov)

I hadn't been sleeping well recently, after everything that had been going on with Cedric, Fred and not to mention the heap load of work I had from school meant that whenever I had a moment alone my thoughts just stressed me out.

I like being at the Burrow, it was a family home, something I had always desperately wanted in my life, and I hoped that I'd be spending a lot more time here in the future.

After about 2 hours of tossing and turning in bed I gave on the hope of getting to sleep anytime soon. I grabbed my book from my bag and tiptoed quietly out of the room, being careful not to wake up Hermione who was an unusually light sleeper. I started going downstairs being as quiet as I possibly could, once I had gotten into the lounge I looked around in detail all the incredible and enchanted things that were on display, something that caught my eye the most was the Weasley family Clock, I smile to myself as I saw that the majority of the heads were all home. I sat on the sofa and began opening my book, feeling myself get completely and utterly consumed by the Story.

'Can't sleep?' An all too familiar voice came from the shadows of the kitchen.

'Nope, for some reason I feel wide awake' I replied.

'Well I'm not surprised' Fred laughed 'After you passed out you slept for about 5 hours' 

'Wait what? When did I pass out' I asked in shock.

'Did no one tell you?' he said with an amused expression on his face.

'I guess not' I mumbled.

'So what about you ,why aren't you asleep?'

'Well I heard a noise and thought I'd come down and check it out, I needed to speak to you anyway' he replied back as he sat on the sofa next me and moved my legs onto his lap.

'Oh', I replied 'Is everything alright?'

'Well that's what I wanted to ask' he replied with a concerned expression on his face, slowly running his hand over my ankles.

'After everything that happened on the train, I was worried about you'

'Oh, I'm sorry about all of that' I said as I kept my gaze fixed on the floor.

'You've got nothing to apologise for darling, it's just what happened with Cedric- well I wanted you to know that you can talk to me about anything' he replied.

'Thank you Freddie, that means a lot but I'm not ready to talk about what happened just yet' I replied whist leaning into him.

'Whenever you're ready I'll be right here' he replied as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

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