Chapter 26: Hogwarts Express

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'It feels strange' lee said whilst staring out of the trains window.

'What does?' i reply

'We're all going to be seventeen in only a few months, and soon were gonna be out in the real world'

'Someone's thinking deep' George said with a laugh

'But its true' lee added turning to look at us

'You guys have everything planned out, you'll have your shop ready by next year, what am i going to do?' he asked stressfully

'Lee..' i said

'do you really think that we wouldn't want you to not work for us' George finished

'You practically came up with ideas for at least a third of out best selling products' Fred added

'Besides, the betting money was leprechaun gold-'

'So we have nothing now'

'The chances of us actually being able to afford the premises have gone straight out the window'

'You two will be able to figure it out, your the Weasley twins, haven't even left school yet and your pretty much famous' lee said

'Fuck off, were not famous' i say with a laugh as George shakes his head

'Well not yet at least' Fred added with a wink.

The three of us laughed together and started thinking about new products to start producing so that we can make some of our money back.

Fred and i were so angry with Bagman, told us we were to young to be betting and wouldn't give us anything.

Fred and i were so angry with Bagman, told us we were to young to be betting and wouldn't give us anything

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'That girl can sleep' lee exclaims as he looks towards the Kaylee who was lying with her head in my lap and feet on the bench.

'Yep, its one of her talents' i reply with a smirk as i run my fingers through her hair softly.

'How do you feel now that you know who her dad is?' lee asks

'Well at first i wasn't too worried as they didn't seem to get along that well, but there now exceptionally close' i reply.

'Does he like you?'

'I don't think that matters, he's probably going to hate anyone who's going out with his daughter'

'So he still doesn't know about you two?'

'Nope' i reply

'Good luck with that one then mate' he says and reaches forward to pat my shoulder playfully.

Kay starts to stir and lets out a sigh.

'Well done lee' i utter and shoot him a glare as he raises his arms innocently.

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