Chapter 60: Openings

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The next few weeks were bliss.

My condition had improved a lot, my injuries had pretty much all healed now and i was able to enjoy the summer with my friends and family.

The twins had been busy with the shop, the opening date only days away.

I had been helping as much as possible, but fred was still hesitant in making me work, still nervous that something would happen.

I spent a lot of time at the burrow, hanging out with the trio and Ginny.

Harry and i were now back on good terms, one night he came up to me, tears in his eyes, he spent hours crying into my shoulder, releasing all the stress he had inside of him.

The truth was he was scared.

Beyond scared.


He didn't want anyone to be in danger because of him, and the pressure he felt now that he knew he had to be the one to defeat the dark lord was eating him alive.

I had managed to calm him down, and spent the night there, just talking and watching the stars together, cherishing every moment of the world at peace.

The twins needed someone to work the tills for a bit, i would've volunteered right away, but i had rescheduled my trip to America, i was set to be leaving the day the others went back to Hogwarts.

I could tell fred didn't want me to go, but i knew that it was right.

I would be returning on Christmas eve, staying with Rylee's family for three months.

I was well aware that it was a very long time to be away, but we were going to stay at their house for awhile, then her dad had to stay in New York for a few weeks for work, and Rylee and i were going to join him.

When i first told Fred my plans he was shocked.

It took a lot of persuading to get him on board with the idea, but he eventually gave in.

I had told him that he would be more concentrated on the shop, and that it would be easier for me to be gone for a while, but he still didn't believe me.

George didn't want me to leave either, neither did harry or the others.

But i knew this was something i had to do.

I had nearly died.

And it made me realise that i hadn't experienced much in life, and i didn't want to leave this world without seeing more of it.

I was going to be taking the muggle plane to Connecticut, Fred was going to drop me off, the others had begged to come as well but the time of my flight was in the afternoon, so they would already be on the train.

I still had three days until i had to leave, the shop was opening tomorrow, and because of this everything was extremely busy.

Fred had been under a lot of stress, but he was dealing with it exceptionally well.

'Freddie' i say, walking into the shop, the night sky flooding the windows.

'In here sweetheart' he called back, his voice echoing from the store room.

I walked inside, he was standing up, clipboard in hands as he scribbled stuff down and reorganised the stock.

'Its late' i say, leaning on the door frame, 'You should get some sleep'

'I will'

'Fred, everything's perfect, but your going to be tired tomorrow if you stay up any later'

He sighed 'I know, i just don't want to mess it up'

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