Chapter 14: Commotion In The Courtyard

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this chapters abit longer than usual and im kinda very proud of it :))

Things get abit messy in this one but the end is defo worth it.

Thanks for all the support


As my eyes flutter open as the mornings winter breeze hits my skin i start to remember last nights events. Everything from the party, making up with Angelina, the astronomy tower, the fight - but most of all, Fred.

Last night everything fell into place, and the things he said...

I couldn't quite comprehend it at first, i was so shocked and angry about how he handled things with Adrian, but all he wanted was for me to be safe and i had never had someone in my life with those intentions before. I had no idea how much he cared, i felt guilty for making him promise not to do anything and for getting angry when all he did was the right thing.

I shifted from my current position, we had both fallen asleep on the astronomy tower in each others arms. He was still fast asleep, i propped myself up on my elbows and reached to his face, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear and couldn't resist stroking his defined jawline with my thumb. He stirred in his sleep and began to arch his neck back.

It drives me crazy.

'Morning Weasley' i say in a small whisper as he adjusts to being awake

He squints his eyes and glances around in confusion until our eyes meet and he expression changes into a smile.

'Morning love' he replies whilst kissing my cheek, sending butterflies to my stomach at the use of his pet name and gesture.

'What time is it?' i ask as i roll back onto my back and lean into his arm.

He pulls his wand out and mutters something as he casts a spell causing silver sparks to fly out the end of it and form a clock.


'Oh shit' I say whilst sitting up

'What- what's wrong' he replies as he yaws

'I told Mione that id meet her in Hogsmeade at 10:15' i reply standing up quickly

'Hey wait, she would've realised you'd forgotten by now' he says as he grabs my hand to try and stop be from leaving

'Yeah but we were going to speak to the owner of the three broomsticks' i say in an annoyed tone


'I'm trying to get a summer job there with accommodation so i don't have to pay for a room somewhere else'

'For the whole summer?' he replies with a slightly disappointed look on his face.

'Hopefully, Fred are you okay?' i ask noticing his change in expression

'Well i was hoping you'd come and stay at the burrow for part of the summer'

'Wait really?'

'Of course, everyone loved you at Christmas'

'Well maybe i could spend the last two weeks at the burrow and the first month working' i say as grin pulled on the end of my lips

His face immediately changed to a look of excitement.

'And i can come visit you when your working' he replied with a grin.

'You better Freddie' i say whilst reaching my arms up and wrapping them around his neck as he snaked his hands to the small of my back.

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