Chapter 61: Departures

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'I'm going to miss you Harry' i say as i hug the brown haired boy for the hundredth time this morning.

We were currently standing on the crowded station of platform nine and three quarters, saying all our goodbyes to the younger teenagers who were returning for another year at Hogwarts.

The station was absolutely packed. Parents everywhere, tearing up over their children leaving for the next term at school, kids rushing about, finding a compartment with their friends and catching up with there schoolmates.

Trolleys winding around groups of people, owl cages and trunks acting as obstacles for anyone attempting to move around the station.

I was bidding my farewells to harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny, trying my hardest to hold it together as it was the first time I'd be going this long without seeing their faces.

Mr and Mrs Weasley were here as well, fussing over all of their kids, Harry and Hermione included.

The twins had come as well, however Fred and i haven't really spoke much today, it was rather daunting to the both of us that in a matter of hours i would be on a plane, taking me thousands of miles away from London, and we wouldn't be seeing each other for three whole months.

Neither of us really slept last night, just layed there in silence, being held in each others arms, our bodies intwined, savouring each and every moment we had left.

Never wanting the sun to rise.

'Bye gin, I'm so proud of you' i say, practically attacking her with a hug, the girl had gone through quite a lot this past summer, exploring her sexuality and realising her worth.

'I love you kay, please write' she replied, tears falling from her eyes.

'Oh honey please don't cry, I'm trying my hardest to hold it together' i say with a frown, taking her into another hug.

'I want in' Hermione's voice called from the side, reaching towards us and joining the hug.

'I'm going to miss you to Mione' i say

'Kay, schools not going to be the same without you' she said sadly, her eyes laced with tears just like Ginny's.

I could feel mine filling up, but i really didn't want to start, as i knew that i had much harder goodbyes ahead of me.

'You guys just have a lot of fun okay?' i say, looking at them both in the eyes

'Try and sleep with as many quidditch players as possible' i add, a laugh escaping all of our lips, ignoring the looks from her brothers who were watching us.


I watched the girl say goodbye to my younger siblings.

I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she was leaving.

She was currently wiping away tears from Ginny, she really was like an older sister to the girl, but also a best friend.

My heart ached as my mind though of the feeling i was going to suffer when we have to say goodbye to each other.

I didn't think i could handle it.

She was just so utterly perfect for me.

In fact i don't think life would be worth living if it wasn't for her.

Her smile.

Her laugh.

The way her hair falls down her back, shimmering as it catches the sun.

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