Chapter 45: Body Count

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'Kay, how did you even get here?' Harry asked as we were walking back to the station.

'Well, we took the train to surrey and then i remembered you telling be about your address so we asked some girls if they knew where Privet Drive is and they told us the directions' i say

'You do realise Dumbledore's going to kill you right?' Ron said again.

'I don't care what he does, as long as Harrys out of that house'

'So when's the next train?' Ginny asked, changing the subject.

'Harry?' i say with a smile

'Just read the board' he replies

'Hey, your the one who lives nearby, you find out'

'Ugh fine' he sighs as he walks into the station.

The rest of us stand and watch him gaze up at the departures time, i was holding Freds hand and leaning into him, George and Ron were messing about as Ginny just wondered around.

'Ten minutes' he states as he approaches us again.

'Great, where do we go?' Ginny asks

'Down here' he says as he walks down the stares and onto a quiet platform.

It wasn't too much later on in the day, but the station had seemed to be a lot busier during mid morning.

It was around three o'clock now so we had plenty of time until the parents got back this evening.

After a while of waiting, the sound of the train neared us, we were the only ones waiting and the inside of the train looked deserted as well.

We all jumped on, and were now able to all sit down comfortably.

I leant back and lied down on freds lap, my face staring up at him as he twirled a piece of my hair between his fingers.

'So what's the plan for when we're home?' George asked as he kicked his feet up on the chairs beside him.

'We should get pissed' Ginny replied

'Absolutely' Fred added

'Harry?' i asked as i noticed he was staring out of the moving trains window.

He didn't respond, and me and Ron shared a knowing look between us.

I stood up and walked over to where he was standing, i wrapped my arm around his chest and pulled him in towards me gently.

'Harry?' i say quietly

'Kaylee' he replied

'Your coming home now, its going to be okay'

'How do you know that?'

'I just do' i say

He rests his head on top of mine and lets out a long sigh, we both stared into the distance.

'Come on, lets go sit down' i say after a while and drag his hand over to the others who were trying to do flips with the trains trails.

*final stop, Finsbury Park*

The voiceover echoed as the train slowly started to come to a stop.

'Is this our one?' Fred asked

'Freddie love, it just said final stop' i laugh as it clicks in his brain.

'Oh shut it black' he shoots back as he took my hand whilst walking out through the doors.

'Last name basis now is it, Weasley?' i joke as i roll my eyes.

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