chapter 3: a night to remeber

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As the young girl looked in the mirror she realised her body had gone through some changes as well, her waist was more cinched in, her hips had widened and although her breast were still on the small size she was happy as she had never minded having small boobs.

She'd got distracted reading and it was now coming up to 11 so she decided to head towards the hufflepuff common rooms.

On the way she had run into her friend Katie decided to to go to the party with her.

As soon as she walked in she was overwhelmed by the party setting, it was unbelievable.

One thing you need to know about Kaylee is that her and alcohol is not a match.

Yes, she's a lightweight and has never managed to learn her limits.

'I was beginning to think you wouldn't show' A familiar voice yelled over the music, Freds tall fame shadowing over her as he smirked.

'I like to keep them waiting' She replied, slipping past him and going to get a drink, knowing that they would find each other again that evening.

After only two fire whiskeys she had decided it was time to dance, already she was pretty drunk and laughing as she dragged Angelina and Katie into the middle of the crowd.

She moved her hips to the music, fully aware that multiple boys were looking at her in awe and advancing towards her. She entertained a few, hands grabbing her waist as they tried to get her to themselves but she didn't let them. One boy had decided to try and grab her but was stopped by a tall figure, pushing him aside as he approached her.

'Freddie!' she exclaimed as she held onto his hand. Now three more drinks down and feeling lightheaded, definitely not going to be remembering much of this at all the next morning.

'Come dance with me' She said to him as she was pulled towards him, her attention taken away by his strong gaze.

'Someone likes to party' The boy said is he smiled down at the gorgeous brunette.

She giggled, placing a finger on her lips 'Shh'

She felt a hand tap onto her shoulder and she turned around in confusion.


The nerve of this boy.

'Hey Kay, you look fit as fuck in that dress, I vaguely remember it laying on my bedroom floor' he commented, his eyes mischievous as he stared plainly at her body.

'What the fuck?' Kaylee exclaimed.

She stumbled as she walked towards the boy but felt a large hand grab her waist tightly, pulling her back.

'You've got a lot of nerve you know Diggory' Fred stated, his hand still on her waist to make sure she didn't fall.

Fred was a lot taller than Cedric and obviously intimidated him quite a bit.

'Look, I apologised. I just want us to get another shot' Cedric argued as he grabbed kaylee's hands.

'Um i think the fuck not' she slurred as she turned to look to fred.

She reached up and held the back of his neck, smiling playfully as she brought her lips to his in a moment of drunk recklessness. His hand went to her waist as he deepened the kiss expertly.

Although she was drunk, the kiss was like nothing she'd experienced before. it was electric.

'Are you fucking serious?' said an angry voice next to the two, Cedric went to shove Fred off of the girl.

'Classic Kaylee, always getting too drunk to function, I'm taking you back to my dorm' he said as he held her waist and began to guide her away roughly.

She didn't exactly see what happened next but just heard a noise and the music stop, she turned around to see Cedric on the floor holding his face and Fred being held back by his brother George and the majority of her houses quidditch team.

'If you think for a second you have a chance with her again you're a fool, lay your hands on her again and you'll get much more than a blackeye' he yelled at the boy sat up on the floor.

'Come on lets get some air' said the redhead as he guided her out the party, Kaylee still stunned at what happened but hiding in her amusement at how her ex was just punched by Fred.

Once they had gotten to the corridor he took her hand in his and looked her in the eye, staring down at the girl.

'Now you let me know if you bothers you again alright?' He told her, his expression serious.

'Yes sir' said the girl and saluted him with laughter. As she said this her knees gave way and she started sliding her body down the wall, her head spinning.

'Let's get you to bed' he said with a smile as he sat her down and went to get Angelina to bring her back to the girls dorm.

But before he could return Kaylee had passed out on the side of the hallway.

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